Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2018, № 73

UDC: 634.11/.12; 634.13
GSNTI: 68.35.52

Influence of rootstock combinations and climatic conditions on quality and duration of storage of pear fruits (Pyrus communis L.) in Crimea

The article considers the questions of separate climatic factors and rootstock combinations of pear, basically of own selection, on biochemical structure and duration of storage of fruits in the conditions of various regimes. The area of industrial cultivation of the most valuable winter group is rather limited and concentrated in the southern regions, among which Crimea occupies a leading position. In the structure of the pome plantations of Crimea, the pear is in second place after the apple tree. In this region, it is possible to grow high-quality fruits, the value of which is not only in excellent commercial and taste qualities, but also in the possibility of fresh consumption. Rootstock combinations of pears characterized by high market and taste qualities of fruits were determined. According to indicators of the biochemical structure of fruits, the following varieties were distinguished: the Mariya variety on the rootstocks KA 53, KA 86, KA 92; the Otechestvennaya variety. The Tavricheskaya variety on the rootstocks KA 53, KA 92. These same varieties are characterized by sufficient storability (within 180-210 days). The Izyuminka Kryma and Tavricheskaya varieties have the longest duration of storage of fruits on the rootstock KA 53 (220 days). It should be noted that the given data were obtained when the fruits were stored in a controlled gaseous medium with a content of 3-5 and 4-5% of O and at a temperature of +2оC.
Keywords: Pear, variety, climate, biochemical structure, regime, duration of storage
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-73-206-209


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  1. Sotnik Aleksandr Ivanovich, Phd. Aqricultural sciences, Senior Reserch, Leadinq Research, Federal State Institution of Science "Order of the Labour Red Banner Nikita Botanical Gardens - National Scientific Center Russian Academy of Science", branch “Crimean Gardening Experimental Station”.
  2. Tankevich Valentina Viktorovna, Phd. Aqricultural sciences, Senior Research, Leadinq Research, Federal State Institution of Science "Order of the Labour Red Banner Nikita Botanical Gardens - National Scientific Center Russian Academy of Science", branch “Crimean Gardening Experimental Station”.
  3. Denisova Olqa Aleksandrovna, Junior Researcher, Federal State Institution of Science "Order of the Labour Red Banner Nikita Botanical Gardens - National Scientific Center Russian Academy of Science", branch “Crimean Gardening Experimental Station”.