Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2018, № 73

UDC: 631.811
GSNTI: 68.35.57

Methods of accelerated seeding of seeds of Hemerocallis

The article presents the results of studying the influence of various factors (stratification, plant growth regulators - preparations Heteroauxin, Epin-extra) on the germination of seeds of some representatives of the genus Hemerocallis. Method of seed propagation of Hemerocallis, even of natural species, is rarely used, because their seeds quickly lose their germination. On this basis, the aim of the research was to identify the optimal conditions for germination of seeds of some members of the genus Hemerocallis. The research was carried out in 2016 on the basis of the South-Ural Botanical Garden-Institute of Ufa Federal Research Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences. The subjects of the study were the seeds of three species of the genus Hemerocallis (H. minor, H. middendorfii, H. dumortieri). The seeds of the species studied were stratified for 2 months (at a temperature of 2-4оC), then germinated in Petri dishes on wet filter paper (at room temperature in the light) with pre-soaking seeds in solutions of the preparations Heteroauxin and Epin-extra (exposure 2 and 4 hours) depending on the variant. It is shown that the most effective way to increase germination seed of the H. middendorfii is by treatment with the preparation Heteroauxin (0,01% aqueous solution, exposure 2 and 4 h). In H. minor and H. dumortieri in the embodiment of the experience of Epin-extra (2-hour exposure) seed germination increased 5,0-30,0 times, respectively, compared with control. The influence of stratification gave positive results only for the germination of seeds of H. minor. Thus, a positive effect of plant growth regulators on seed germination of some representatives of the genus Hemerocallis was noted.
Keywords: Hemerocallis, plant growth regulators, stratification, seed germination
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-73-180-183


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  1. Reut Antonina Anatolyevna, Phd in Biology, leading researcher of the laboratory of introduction and selection of flower plants, South-Ural Botanical Garden-Institute of Ufa Federal Research Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences.