Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2018, № 73

UDC: 581.1
GSNTI: 34.31

Scheme of ontogenesis and vegetative period of woody plants

On the basis of phenological observations in the process of individual development of the Viburnum vulgaris (V.Ya. Zayarchuk, 2008), a scheme of ontogenesis and vegetation period characteristic for all species of woody plants was developed. Taking as a basis the previously created system of ontogenesis (N.M. Makrushin, 1985), on the example of herbaceous plants, the authors proposed a generalized scheme of ontogenesis for two divisions - Pinophyta and Magnoliophyta. In this scheme, four periods are identified with the corresponding phases: 1. Embryonic; 2. Juvenile - including phases: heterotrophic embryonic, heterotrophic endospermal (cotyledonous), infant and virginal for woody plants; 3. Generative with phases of puberty and reproduction; 4. Senile.
Keywords: Ontogenesis, embryonic, juvenile, generative, senile periods, vegetative period
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-73-161-166


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  1. Plugatar’ Yuri Vladimirovich, DSc in Agriculture, Corresponding Member of RAS, Director, Federal State Institution of Science "Order of the Labour Red Banner Nikita Botanical Gardens - National Scientific Center Russian Academy of Science".
  2. Makrushin Nikolay Mikhailovich, DSc in Agriculture, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Head of the laboratory of seed production, Federal State Institution of Science "Order of the Labour Red Banner Nikita Botanical Gardens - National Scientific Center Russian Academy of Science".
  3. Makrushina Evgenia Mikhailovna, Phd in Agriculture, Associate Professor, Senior Researcher of the laboratory of seed production, Federal State Institution of Science "Order of the Labour Red Banner Nikita Botanical Gardens - National Scientific Center Russian Academy of Science".