Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2018, № 73

UDC: 634.14:58.032 (477.75)
GSNTI: 34.31.15

Resistance of various selection forms of chaenomeles to conditions of summer moisture deficiency on the Southern coast of Crimea

At cultivating chaenomeles in the Crimea during the vegetative period the physiological state of plants and yields are adversely affected by soil moisture deficit and high air temperatures. Inadequate water availability negatively affects both the decorative qualities of plants and the crop mass. In the absence of irrigation, the ability of plants to regulate the water regime of the aboveground parts plays a crucial role. The paper presents the results of studies conducted on the basis of NBG-NSC collection-breeding plantations in the driest months of summer 2017 (July-August). On the background of critical peaks of drought was obtained the information of the Ch.½superba Fire Dance reaction to water stress and a number of genotypes of the species Chaenomeles spesiosa (Sweet) Nakai. The characteristic features of leaves’ water regime parameters are revealed, prospective genotypes with a good adaptive ability and the ability to carry out physiological processes in the conditions of the effect of unfavorable factors of summer period on the Southern Coast of Crimea are identified: Ch.½superba Fire Dance, Ch. spesiosa A10, A8, A5, A2. Increasing the water-holding forces of the leaves is the strategy to adapt to drought which helps to prevent abrupt and excessive dehydration. As a result, irreversible tissue damage does not occur, which is responsible for a relatively high percentage of repair. Stable genotypes can be successfully used in selection work, decorative gardening, introduction, industrial production. The significant variability of water regime parameters of the chaenomeles culture within the species gives a wide opportunity for selection of an assortment of plants capable to adapt to the weather and climate conditions of a certain region.
Keywords: Chaenomeles, water regime, water-retaining ability, water deficit, turgor, drought resistance
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-73-158-160


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  1. Pilkevich Ruslana Adolfovna, Ph.D (Biology), Senior Researcher, Laboratory of biochemical, physiology and reproduction biology of plants, Federal State Budget Institution of Science "The Order of the Red Banner Nikita Botanical Gardens - National Scientific Center", Russian Academy of Sciences.