Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2018, № 73

UDC: 633.88: 631.53.023
GSNTI: 68.35.43

The optimal timing of harvest, quality and post-harvest ripening of seeds

The study was carried out in 2015-2016 in All-Russian Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants. Object of study: Matricaria recutita L. variety Podmoskovnaya (tetraploid). Soils: sod-mesopodzolic, subacidic. Sowing: winter. Preceding crop: complete fallow. The seeding rate - 4 kg/ha. Method of sowing: wide-row (row width is 60 cm). Replication - 4-fold. The area of the plot is 6 m2, record plot area is 4.8 m2. Six options of harvesting periods were studied. The fourth period served as a control. Plants were mowed down, starting from the phase of mass flowering, with an interval of three days, dried in natural conditions and threshed. To study the duration of post-harvest ripening, the germination of mature seeds was identified immediately after harvesting and at monthly intervals after their storage in the laboratory. Seeds of different formation periods differ in size and germination. The seeds of the first harvest period are characterized by their underdeveloped state and low sowing qualities, the mass of 1000 pieces is almost 30%, and the germination rate is 17% lower than that of the seeds of the fourth harvest period. Freshly harvested seeds of both sowing dates had a minimum germination of 59.0 and 62.4%. As a result of storage, their sowing qualities gradually increased and reached a maximum in 4 months. At the same time, the germination of seeds of spring sowing increased by 30.4% and amounted to 89.4%, of autumn - by 31.3% - 93.7%, which corresponded to the category of original seeds. Seeds grown during summer-autumn sowing tended to increase germination, which exceeded spring sowing by 2.6-3.8%. The result of the study revealed that the seeds of Matricaria recutita L. formed on the plant at different times, differ in the mass of 1000 pieces and give seeds of different qualities. The long flowering period contributes to non-simultaneous formation and ripening of seeds and their different quality. The optimal period for double cutting of Matricaria recutita L. seeds are 9-12 days after the plants enter the mass flowering phase. After harvesting Matricaria recutita L. seeds need to ripen. Ripening of the seeds after harvesting ends after five months. It was found through years of experiments.
Keywords: Matricaria recutita L, harvesting time, heterogeneity of seeds, harvest, seeds, postharvest maturation
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-73-148-153


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  1. Morozov Aleksandr Ivanovich, DSc in Agriculture, Reserve Director; Agrobiology and breeding department, All-Russian Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (VILAR).
  2. Totskaya Svetlana Anatolyevna, Phd in Agriculture, Senior Research Officer; Agrobiology and breeding department, All-Russian Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (VILAR).
  3. Gryaznov Mikhail Yuryevich, Phd in Biology, Senior Research Officer; Agrobiology and breeding department, All-Russian Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (VILAR).