Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2018, № 73

UDC: 582.475(470.4)
GSNTI: 68.47.03

Silvicultural-biological features of growth of crimean pine when adapting to the Central Chernozem region of Russia

In recent years in the Central Chernozem Region almost no use has been made of invasive tree species and specifically of Crimean pine, whose adaptive capacity under given conditions is not yet sufficiently explored. The relevance of studying the interaction between Scots pine and Crimean pine on mixed-species plantations can be defined as follows: this will enable us to make the best possible use of the areas occupied by Scots pine and to improve biological sustainability and productivity of these plantations. The object of the research was the planting, growing together of Crimean pine ordinary, age 76 years, located in an area of protective forests in the city of Voronezh. The research results allow us to judge the stability of the introduced species to adverse conditions: soil and climate, the presence of root sponge, anthropogenic load. As a result of adaptation possibilities of Crimean pine its sanitary condition in comparison with ordinary pine and a ratio of breeds on trial areas is considered. The revealed center of the extinct hearth of a root sponge (test No. 2) is presented on the square at a pine by ordinary trees of the 2nd, 3rd categories of a sanitary condition with the available dead wood and trees of the 1st category of a sanitary condition at a pine Crimean. Chart analysis forms the longitudinal section of the trunks of fallen models with regard to their absolute valid drop-off leads to the conclusion that the pine is less decreased compared with the Crimean pine with a slight difference in height. Profitable was the direction of rows from North to South, as a result of which during the daylight fast-growing pine was less than slow-growing pine Crimean and less intensively grew itself, that along with the placement of seats 2½0,7-1,0 m can be considered one of the best options for the creation of mixed cultures in a fresh.
Keywords: Crimean pine (pallasiana), introduction, adaptation, biometric characteristics of the forest stand, annosum root rot, longitudinal section of a trunk
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-73-129-134


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  1. Levin Sergey Valerevich, research fellow Department of experimental tests, Federal State Budgetary Institution "All-Russian research Institute of forest genetics, breeding and biotechnology".