Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2018, № 72

UDC: 631.524.6:633.112.1
GSNTI: 68.35.29

The role of micromethods in assessing the quality of hard wheat grains at early stages of selection

Summarizes the major express methods of evaluation of durum wheat quality at the level of control nursery which included in the phased system of estimate in the FSBSI "Lukyanenko National center of grain". The results of the three methods SDS of sedimentation, colors of grits and tortillas, IR analyzer in the material of the grain harvest in 2016 indentified breeding lines with high quality: 32.3% studied samples had maximum values of sedimentation the sediment (60 mm and higher), high rates (51-60 mm) were noted in 41.7% of samples. The smallest number of breeding lines (26%) was formed by sedimentation sludge at level of 40-50 mm, while control varieties Krupinka (44 mm), Zolotko (60 mm). The content of protein and gluten in this grain was high, at an average of 15,5% of protein, 29.5% of glutenov the second group of quality. The color of the grits and the color of the tortilla was mostly cream lemon yellow with different shades. In the 2017 harvest grain quality winter crops of hard wheat was Lower by 1.5-2.0%., indicators sedimintational sediment changed in the range of 36-62 mm. The best samples are differentiation by these quality indicators included in the further selection process.
Keywords: Winter hard wheat hard wheat, variety, selection line, SDS-sedimentation, protein, gluten, color of tortilla
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-72-58-62


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  1. Bukreeva Galina Ivanovna, Cand. Biol. Sci., Associate Professor, Head. Department of Technology and Biochemistry of Grain, FGBNU "NTSZ them. P.P. Lukyanenko".
  2. Yanovsky Alexey Sergeevich, Phd in Agriculture, Ved. sci. employee, FGBNU "NTSZ them. P.P. Lukyanenko".
  3. Domchenko Milannia Ivanovna, art. sci. employee, FGBNU "NTSZ them. P.P. Lukyanenko".
  4. Eikoyan Aykanush Aramaisovna, post-graduate student, FGBNU "NTSZ them. P.P. Lukyanenko".
  5. Abram Tatyana Vladimirovna, Jr. sci. employee, FGBNU "NTSZ them. P.P. Lukyanenko".
  6. Kulikova Anastasia Vladimirovna, Jr. sci. employee, FGBNU "NTSZ them. P.P. Lukyanenko".