Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2018, № 72

UDC: 631/635; 502/504; 911
GSNTI: 68.35.47

Environmental state estimation of Omsk Region agrolandscapes

With the purpose of creating an information ecological basis for nature management in agriculture, databases and Western Siberia agrolandscap-ecological zoning map have been developed. The article presents the results of Omsk region agrolandscape-ecological zoning. A brief description of the natural conditions of the region is given. The main indicators of the agricultural activity of the region are given. The Omsk Region is located in 4 natural zones: the Southern Taiga, Small-leaved Forest, Forest-Steppe, Steppe. The structure of land in zones and in the whole region is presented. The southern taiga zone is characterized by the predominance of nature-stabilizing components of agrolandscapes and very low agricultural uptake. Here there was the greatest decline in agricultural production. Left without use of land overgrown with forest, they intensify the process of waterlogging. A similar situation is observed in the Small-leaved Forest Zone. The forest-steppe zone is characterized by an average agricultural development and ambiguous assessment of the ecological state in different parts of the zone. In the Steppe zone there is a very high plowing and a low proportion of nature-stabilizing elements of agrolandscapes. Here are the most fertile soils and very high loads. The intensive exploitation of these soils leads to a decrease in their fertility, provokes the processes of deflation, desertification. With irrational economic activity the ecological balance and the stability of ecosystems are disturbed. Agricultural activities must be balanced with the restoration capabilities of nature. Recommendations for the optimization of agrolandscapes are given.
Keywords: Omsk Region, agro-landscape-ecological zoning, ecological assessment of lands
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-72-391-394


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  1. Yakovleva Elena Petrovna, Senior Researcher Laboratory of Geobotany and Agroecology, Federal V.R. Williams Research Center of Forage Production and Agroecology.