Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2018, № 72

UDC: 633.112.1:632.4.01/.08
GSNTI: 68.37.07

The characteristic of resistance entries of the durum wheat from nurseries KASIB to the brown rust in the conditions of Western Siberia

In the conditions of Western Siberia in experiences of durum wheat breeding laboratory of FGBNU "Omsk agrarian scientific center" in 2016-2017 was studied resistance of durum wheat entries of KASIB to the rust. Field experiments, phenological supervision, resistance responses to brown rust were carried out on experimental fields of institute. In laboratory conditions the assessment was carried out by benzimidazolny method on resistance to brown rust (Omsk population), to race of the Central region of the Russian Federation in FGBNY scientific research institute of phytopathology. The increasing defeat of standards and age-old grade Bezenchukskaya 139 testifies that at the moment resistance of durum wheat to a brown rust is not overcome, and the time shows that in Western Siberia there is a change of structure of a pathogen. The tendency is traced: steady samples in a stage of sprouts are, as a rule, steadier in field conditions, samples steady against race of the Central region of the Russian Federation against the Siberian race and vice versa. As sources of resistance it is possible to recommend entries: Omskaj jantarnaj, Omski izumrud, Hord.05-42-12, Hord. 04-76-5 (FGBNU "Omski ARC"); Kargala 1514, Kargala 223 (Aktyubinsk SHOS); Hord.2264 (Karabalyksky SHOS) and Gord.1591-21 (Sаmara Research Agricultural Institute).
Keywords: Durum wheat, resistance, pathogen, rust, variety, plant breeding
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-72-386-390


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  1. Yusov Vadim Stanislavovich, Phd in Agriculture, leading researcher of laboratory of selection of a durum wheat, Federal State Budget Scientific Institution "Omsk ANTs".
  2. Evdokimov Mikhail Grigoryevich, DSc in Agriculture, associate professor, chief researcher, manager laboratory of selection of a durum wheat, Federal State Budget Scientific Institution "Omsk ANTs".
  3. Meshkova Lyudmila Viktorovna, Phd in Biology, associate professor, leading researcher, manager laboratory of immunity of plants, Federal State Budget Scientific Institution "Omsk ANTs".
  4. Kiryakova Marina Nikolaevna, Phd in Agriculture, research associate of laboratory of selection of a durum wheat, Federal State Budget Scientific Institution "Omsk ANTs".
  5. Glushakov Denis Aleksandrovich, junior researcher of laboratory of selection of a durum wheat, Federal State Budget Scientific Institution "Omsk ANTs".