Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2018, № 72

UDC: 631.53.01:633.1:621.386.8
GSNTI: 47.29.39

Novel technologies of seedproduction: fundamental andapplied vision

The article is dedicated an issue of study of the grain seeds hidden deficiency and its meaning in a modern seed science research. The statistical data showing significant increase in a percentage of unconditional grain seeds during the Post-Soviet period are provided. For a research of the hidden deficiency of seeds microfocus x-ray technique, in a combination with standard and additional (radicle and shoot length) methods of sowing qualities evaluation is used. The studies are performed by the approved x-ray method in the Seed X-ray Testing Laboratory of Agrophysical Research Institute, with use of the mobile x-ray device PRDU-02. The experimental data by comparative evaluation of hidden deficiency of barley and oats seed samples received in field and the conditions regulated (phytotron) are given. It is established that in the tested brewing barley seed samples 3 main types of the hidden defects prevailed: stress crack - up to 71%, a defective embryo - up to 69%, enzyme mycosis exhaustion - up to 24%. Relation of growth indicators dynamics (radicle and shoot length) of barley seeds estimated within 10 days with existence of some types of their hidden deficiency is revealed: embryo cover imperfections, enzyme mycosis exhaustion, stress crack. On the basis of the obtained results of research are discussed a possibility of further use of combination of microfocus x-ray technique and sprouts morphometric characteristics evaluation for obtaining new knowledge of structural integration of caryopsis, causes and consequences of solution of caryopsis continuity. The future trends of application of the offered approach in practical seed production for correction of the existing technologies for the purpose of receiving high-conditioned seed material are declared.
Keywords: Seed production technologies, seed sowing qualities, x-ray radiography of seeds, hidden deficiency of seeds, seed sprouting dynamics
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-72-38-42


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  1. Arkhipov Mikhail Vadimovich, DSc in Biology, professor, chief researcher of plant biophysics section, Agrophysical research Institute, Northwestern Center for interdisciplinary research of the problems of food supply.
  2. Tyukalov Yuri Alekseevich, Phd in Engineering, Leading researcher, Northwestern Center for interdisciplinary research of the problems of food supply.
  3. Sinitsyna Svetlana Mikhailovna, Phd in Agriculture, Senior researcher, Northwestern Center for interdisciplinary research of the problems of food supply.
  4. Priyatkin Nikolay Sergeevich, Phd in Engineering, Senior researcher, head of plant biophysics section, Agrophysical Research Institute.
  5. Gusakova Ludmila Petrovna, Phd in Biology, Leading researcher of plant biophysics section, Agrophysical Research Institute.
  6. Potrakhov Nikolay Nikolaevich, DSc in Engineering, professor, Head of Electronic Devices Dept., The First Electrotechnical University.
  7. Bessonov Viktor Borisovich, Phd in Engineering, assistant professor of Electronic Devices Dept., The First Electrotechnical University.
  8. Beletskiy Sergey Leonidovich, Phd in Engineering, deputy manager of laboratory, Scientific Research Institute of Storage Problems Federal Agency of State Reserves.