Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2018, № 72

UDC: 633.18:631.521:631.526.32
GSNTI: 68.35

Interrelation of plant productivity with changes in the parameters of the root system of rice varieties

The lack of phosphorus in mineral nutrition leads to an increase in the length of the root system of the samples from 1 to 41%. An analysis was made of the relationship between changes in plant productivity and changes in the parameters of the root system of rice varieties, which showed that resistance to stress can be formed either as a result of a long root system or changes in its parameters under stress, and also due to internal efficiency of phosphorus use. Phosphorus as well as nitrogen is one of the elements of mineral nutrition, which limits the productivity of plants, although its content in their organs is much lower than nitrogen, potassium and calcium. After entering the root cells, phosphorus enters into various chemical reactions. First of all, it combines with sugars, which are consumed by breath puffing, then it is included in compounds with a large energy reserve (ADP and TF), without which synthesis of protein compounds is impossible. Probably, in connection with this and the lack of phosphorus, there are disturbances in protein metabolism, the root system develops poorly, the tillering lags, and the whisk turns out to be little-grain. Phosphorus is assimilated by its roots only in the oxidized form of РО43+ and is not restored in the plant itself [1].
Keywords: Rice, phosphorus, mineral nutrition, productivity, root system
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-72-378-381


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  1. Sheleg Valentin Andriyanovich, Junior researcher; Laboratory of genetics and heterosisbreeding, Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution Аll-Russian Rice Research Institute.
  2. Goncharova Yulia Konstantinovna, doctor of Biol. Sciences, head. laboratory; Laboratory of genetics and heterosisbreeding, Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution Аll-Russian Rice Research Institute.