Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2018, № 72

UDC: 635.63:631.527.541:632.4.01/08
GSNTI: 68.35

Evaluation of parent lines and F1 hybrids of cucumber for diseases resistance by marker-assisted selection on the Real-time PCR platform

Diseases are big problem in cucumber production not only in Russia and in other countries. Because of the different pathogens that have a negative effect on plants, crop losses can be more than 50%. The most effective way of plant protection is the breeding of cucumber hybrids with resistance to multiple diseases. The accurate choice of parental lines is the first step towards development of successful hybrids. The optimal tool for introgression the alleles of the resistance genes into the parent lines used for the production of hybrids is marker-mediated selection (MAS), without which effective breeding is currently impossible. The use of molecular markers can significantly advance cucumber breeding for resistance to many diseases, for instance, such as powdery mildew, cucumber vein yellowing virus and zucchini yellow mosaic virus. In our work, for this purpose, a modern marker system Fret4 was used whereby in Real-Time PCR mode the state analysis of one of the resistance genes pm1, as well as CVYV and ZYMV in linear material and F1 cucumber hybrids was performed, donors of resistance to these diseases were identified.
Keywords: Real-time PCR, cucumber, diseases resistance gene, Powdery mildew, ZYMV, CVYV, TaqMan, HybProbe
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-72-363-368


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  1. Khomchenko Nina Nikolayevna, Ph D student, researcher of the Laboratory of Cucumber cultures", Ltd "Research institute of vegetable crop selection", Moscow.
  2. Budylin Mikhail Vyacheslavovich, Ph.D, Biology, deputy director general for biotechnology and plant molecular diagnostics, Ltd "Research institute of vegetable crop selection", Moscow.
  3. Gavrish Sergey Fedorovich, Ph.D of Agricultural Sciences, professor, deputy director for science, Ltd "Research institute of vegetable crop selection", Moscow.