Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2018, № 72

UDC: 631/635; 502/504; 911
GSNTI: 68.35.47

Nature use environmental basis in the agriculture of Eastern Siberia

With the purpose of creating an information ecological basis for nature management in agriculture, a database for the map of agrarian landscaping and ecological zoning of Eastern Siberia has been developed. On the territory of the region (an area of 415,504.2 thousand hectares) is the Arctic zone, Arctotundra zone, Tundra zone and Forest-tundra, the North taiga, Middle taiga, Southern taiga, Leached forest, Forest steppe, Steppe and Dry steppe zones and the mountainous areas, provinces and counties, total 136 units are regionalization. For agrolandscapes of Eastern Siberia, weak resistance to anthropogenic loads is characteristic. With irrational economic activity leading to the destruction of a weak natural soil and vegetation cover, ecological balance and ecosystems stability are disturbed. Ecology of nature management in agriculture, above all, is associated with the management of agroecosystems and agrolandscapes. Agricultural activities must be balanced with the restoration capabilities of nature. In managing agrolandscape it is necessary to take into account not only their production, but also environmental functions, that ensure their sustainability and productive longevity. Rational nature management and conservation of ecological balance are the priority tasks in order to ensure the productive longevity of agricultural land. The crisis state of the agrolandscapes of Eastern Siberia, the degradation of agricultural lands, imbalance of productive and protective ecosystems in agricultural landscapes, the structure of sown areas and crop rotations have been established. To ensure their productive longevity, it is necessary to improve the species composition of crops and the structure of the use of arable land, primarily by reducing the areas of pure vapors and tilled crops, increasing the proportion of perennial grasses and legumes (at least 20-25%).
Keywords: Environmental basis, nature use, agriculture, Eastern Siberia
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-72-348-351


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  1. Trofimov Ilya Aleksandrovich, DSc in Geographical, Deputy Director for Research, Head Laboratory of Geobotany and Agroecology, Federal V.R. Williams Research Center of Forage Production and Agroecology (FWRC FPA).
  2. Trofimova Liudmila Sergeevna, DSc in Agriculture, Assistant professor, Leading researcher Laboratory of Geobotany and Agroecology, Federal V.R. Williams Research Center of Forage Production and Agroecology (FWRC FPA).
  3. Yakovleva Elena Petrovna, Senior Researcher Laboratory of Geobotany and Agroecology, Federal V.R. Williams Research Center of Forage Production and Agroecology (FWRC FPA).