Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2018, № 72

UDC: 633.16:631.527:631.526.32(527.1)
GSNTI: 68.00.00

Adaptive capacity and stress resistance of collectible varieties of spring barley in the conditions of Omsk Priirtyshje

To evaluate the variety in terms of its compliance with the growing conditions and the immediate reaction to these conditions, it is necessary to study the parameters of plasticity and stability of the variety. The article presents the results of studies of twenty-four collectible varieties obtained from the all-Russian Institute of plant growing in the Omsk Irtysh region. Standard varieties were breeding RAMS Sibnii Omsk 95 (a type of nutans, mid-season, resistant to lodging and drought, valuable for the quality of the grain, released in 2007). The calculation and analysis of the parameters of adaptability (L.A. Zhyvotkov), stability and plasticity (Eberhart S. A., Russell W. A.), and stress (A. A. Rossielle, J. Hemblin) of barley varieties to local growing conditions. The maximum yield was observed in 2013 and 2015 (3.1 and 3.0 t/ha), on average for the nursery. High yield varieties were characterized by Sadel (+39.0 per cent to st.), Zevs (+22.0% to st.), Vorsinskij 2 (+16.0% to st.), Povolzskij 65 (+6.0 per cent to st.). Recommended for inclusion in breeding programs and also for cultivation in conditions of southern forest-steppe of Omsk region barley varieties Naran, Zevs, Priazovskij 9, Vorsinskiij 2, Sadel, Severjanin, Volgarj, Omskij 91, Chelyabinskij 99, Povolzskij 65, Odon, Bezenchukskaij 3, which took most of the assessment methods first place and received a smaller sum of the ranks (∑ rang = 36,0 ÷ 55,0). These varieties are the most adapted and ecologically adapted in the area of Omskoe Priirtyshje.
Keywords: Spring barley, stability, plasticity, adaptability
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-72-284-289


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  1. Nikolaev Petr Nikolaevich, researcher, head of the laboratory for selection of grain crops, Russian Federation, Federal state scientific institution "Omsk Agrarian Scientific Center".
  2. Yusova Oksana Aleksandrovna, Phd in Agriculture, Sciences, leading researcher, head of the laboratory of genetics, biochemistry and physiology, Federal state scientific institution "Omsk Agrarian Scientific Center".
  3. Anis'kov Nikolaj Ivanovich, DSc in Agriculture, senior research of the laboratory of winter crops, N.I. Vavilov All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources, Russian Federation.
  4. Safonova Irina Vladimirovna, Phd in Agriculture, Senior Researcher, N.I. Vavilov All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources, Russian Federation.