Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2018, № 72

UDC: 633.853.52:002.237:631.531.1

Role of biologically active substances in improving the quality of soybean seeds

For the purpose of identifying the role of biologically active substances in improving the quality of soybean seeds, natural preparations BioLarix (admissible substances: diterpene alcohols and hydrocarbons + dihydroquercetin) and ExtraKor (admissible substances: proanthocyanidins + para-hydroxybenzoic acid + dihydroquercetin), obtained by processing Dahurian larch, have been studied. The soybean seeds of the mid-ripening variety MK 100 served as a material for research. According to the results of the research, it was established that the treatment of soybean seeds of variety MK 100 with biological preparations BioLarix and ExtraKor led to a decrease in the stressful effect of Pulsar herbicide on plants, and, as a result, influenced the quality of soybean seeds. The effect of biologically active substances contributed to an increase in the total protein content by 0,3%, rise in the content of certain amino acids: histidine, valine, leucine, isoleucine, methylhistidine and tyrosine. In seeds obtained after the treatment with biologically active substances, there was an increase in the content of phosphorus by 0,02-0,06%, potassium - 0,35…0,21%, compared with the control variant. The biologically active substances had a positive effect on the initial growth of soybean seeds of the mid-ripening variety MK 100: after seed treatment, the number of abnormally developed seedlings decreased by 1-4% compared to the control.
Keywords: Biologically active substances, biochemical composition, soybean seedlings, seed vigor
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-72-280-283


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  1. Mihailova Mariya Pavlovna, Researcher, Federal State Budget Scientific Institution "All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Soybean".
  2. Sinegovskaya Valentina Timofeevna, Academician of RAS, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Honored Science Worker of Russia, Director, Federal State Budget Scientific Institution "All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Soybean".