Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2018, № 72

UDC: 635.925:712.41
GSNTI: 68.35.57

Introduction and prospects of using plantz of the genus Mahonia in the Orel Region

One of the main tasks of arboretums and botanical gardens is the attraction to culture of new, little-known promising species and forms of woody and shrubby plants. In connection with the development of cities, an increasing interest is the introduction to green construction of plants previously not used in gardening. However, not all ornamental plants have sufficient resistance to adverse environmental factors. Plants of the genus Mahonia are of great interest due to their decorative qualities. These are evergreen North American shrubs, reaching 1.5 m tall with shiny, as if lacquered leaves. When studying the gene pool of the species, the main thing is to preserve and concentrate the richness of intraspecies variability, biomorphological diversity. It is important to determine the resistance of plants to diseases and pests, their decorativeness and, based on this, to predict the success of their introduction. The article presents the results of long-term work of the plant introduction of the genus Mahonia in the arboretum of the Russian Research Institute of Fruit Crop Breeding (Orel region). Perspectives of use are considered, recommendations for the Mahonia cultivation in the Orel region are given. Studies have shown that plants of the genus of Mahonia possess resistance to pests and diseases, their decorativeness is maintained throughout the growing season without signs of aging. The studied plants pass through the development of all the phenological phases, blossom and bear fruit, this indicates a complete adaptation of the species in our conditions. These plants are promising and can be recommended for green construction of the Orel and Orel region.
Keywords: Decorative plants, Mahonia, shrubs, stability, introduction, arboretum
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-72-271-274


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  1. Masalova Lyubov Igorevna, researcher at the laboratory of ornamental plants, Russian Research Institute of Fruit Crop Breeding, Orel.