Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2018, № 72

UDC: 633.367
GSNTI: 68.35.03

Result of many years of research on narrow-leaved lupin Northwest of the Russian Federation

FGBNU "Leningrad Research Institute"Belogorka" is breeding narrow-leaved lupin since 2001 with different directions of economic use (grain, silage, siderat), with high seed and fodder productivity, resistance to Fusarium, anthracnose and other diseases and stress factors. Varieties of the new generation have a low alkaloid content, and protein content and its quality are not inferior to soy. New varieties of narrow-leaved lupine carry genes resistant to cracking of beans and seeding of seeds, varying degrees of branching, harmonious maturation of beans, high resistance to leaning. This gives significant advantages to the culture in cultivation technology in comparison with such widespread legumes as peas and vetch and promotes the expansion of the acreage and increased yield of lupine narrow-leaved. As a result of many years of research, promising grades of, narrow-leaved lupine Oligarch, Belogorsky 310, Maecenasy and Accord of universal purpose, meeting all selection requirements, adapted to the conditions of the North-West region of Russia, have been obtained since 2010. These varieties passed the State Test of Varieties and were allowed to be used in the regions. The share of the narrow-leaved lupine increasesin in importance in fodder production, plant growing and agriculture, as it has a leading role in the biologicalization and ecologization of the agricultural sector, and is also a source of valuable vegetable protein. The widespread introduction of lupine into production requires at the present time the creation of varieties of special purpose: graines, sideral, for joint crops. The result of long-term selection work of the Institute was the creation and transfer to State Variety Testing of 4 new varieties with high and stable productivity, early ripeness, low content of alkaloids. Thus, out of 24 varieties of narrow-leaved lupine, included in the State Register of Selection Achievements, allowed for use in 2018, 4 varieties were created in our institute.
Keywords: Narrow-leaved lupin, grade, selection, collection samples
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-72-236-238


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  1. Lysenko Olga Georgievna, Researcher, Federal State Budget Institution «Leningrad research institute for agricultural science «BELOGORKA».
  2. Bondareva Ljubov Maximovna, Leading Researcher, Federal State Budget Institution «Leningrad research institute for agricultural science «BELOGORKA».