Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2018, № 72

UDC: 633.853.52:631.521 (571.61)

Influence of agroecological factors on the quality of soybean seeds of the mid-ripening varieties of Amur selection

The results of 3 years research studies of the reaction of soybean varieties of Amur selection to environmental conditions are presented. It was revealed that the quality of soybean seeds of the mid-ripening varieties Lazurnaya, MK 100, Evgeniya of the All-Russian SRI of Soybean selection is determined by the place of reproduction and the weather conditions of the year prevailing in the period of seed formation. The varietal reaction to stressful weather conditions was noted. The seeds of the being studied mid-ripening varieties, grown in different soil-climatic conditions, differed in their sowing qualities and morphological parameters of the seedlings. More full-weight seeds were obtained in the northern zone of the region. Seeds of the fraction 4 ≥ 5 mm, which amounted to more than half of the total volume of seeds (53…-78%), were formed in the mid-ripening varieties Evgeniya, Lazurnaya both in the northern and southern zones of the region. Seeds of the fraction 5 ≥ 6 mm (53-58%) were dominated in the variety MK 100. Depending on the growing area, conditions of the year and size of the seeds, the coefficient of variation along the length of seedlings in the variety Evgeniya ranged from 17 to 40%; in the variety Lazurnaya - from 15 to 34%; in the variety MK 100 - from 18 to 32%. The variety Lazurnaya is the most environmentally resistant of the being studied varieties.
Keywords: Soybean, quality of seeds, variety, weather conditions
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-72-167-171


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  1. Kamanina Larisa Anatol`evna, Phd in Agriculture, Leading Researcher of the Laboratory of Primary Seed Production and Seed Science, Federal State Budget Scientific Institution «All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Soybean».