Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2018, № 72

UDC: 631.527:631.523
GSNTI: 68.35.03

Сreation of early varieties potatoes for conditions of North-West and European Northern Russia

Features of the climatic conditions of the North-West and the European North of Russia indicate the advantages the cultivation of early maturing varieties of potatoes, able to give a of full value harvest before mass development of a late blight. Selection of early varieties is more difficult than later, because some signs are in a negative correlation with the early ripeness. Based on the results of our long-term studies, hybrid populations have been identified, in the offspring of which the frequency of selection of early-ripening economically valuable genotypes is quite high. The largest yield of early maturing forms with increased productivity and good quality of tubers was obtained in the offspring: Fianna ½ 943/9, Wizard ½ 943/9, 95100/27 ½ 943/9, 9685/1 ½ 943/9, 190-4 ½ Marta. Based on the results of the study of complex interspecific hybrids in the Leningrad State Scientific and Research Institute "Belogorka" selected promising early ripening varieties, which are characterized by increased productiveness, marketability, good dining qualities, attractive appearance, resistance to key pathogens and quarantine objects. Estimation of the perspective breeding material in the conditions of the European North allowed to establish high adaptive properties of individual genotypes: 1604/4 (95100/27 ½ 943/9), 2103/7 (190-4 ½ Marta), 2303/13 (Fianna ½ 943/9), 5403/2 (95100/27 ½ 943/6), 4602 / 9 (9685/1 ½ 943/9). In 2014 on the State variety testing was transmitt medium early maturity nematode and cancer resistant hybrid 5403/2 under the name of Eurasia. In 2017, it is included in the register achievements of breeding approved for use in the North-West region of Russia. A new variety has high productivene, excellent taste qualitiess, highly resistant to late blight, bacterial rot, usual scab, stress-resistant. For the transmission to the State Test early maturing interspecific hybrids are prepared 1604/4, 2303/13. In the early period harvesting (45 days from germination) they form harvest marketable tubers 14-17 t/ga. In the Arkhangelsk and Murmansk regions, they form marketable tubers 12-15 t/ga.
Keywords: Potatoes, early maturity, productivity, quality
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-72-148-152


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  1. Evdokimova Zinaida Zakharovna, Phd in Agriculture, Sci., Leading Researcher, Department of Selection and Primary Seed Potatoes, FGBNU "Leningrad Research Institute" Belogorka".
  2. Kalashnik Marina Vladimirovna, Researcher, Department of Selection and Primary Seed Potato, FGBNU "Leningrad Research Institute" Belogorka".