Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2018, № 70

UDC: 632.4:631.4]:632.4.01/08+63.582
GSNTI: 68.37.05

Quantitative characteristics of fungi Fusarium in tomatoes rhizosphere after various predecessors on leached chernozem of the Western Ciscaucasia

The purpose of the study was to investigate the nature of temporal and spatial successions of micromycetes of the genus Fusarium in agrocenosis of cultivated tomatoes depending on the preceding crop, and the weather predictors. Soil samples were collected from rhizosphere of tomato plants in the phase of germination, beginning of flowering and end of growing season. Repeated mycological analysis established that the rhizosphere of tomato was inhabited by the representatives of the genus Fusarium, the morphological features are characterized as micromycetes with optional ipratropium type of food that caused root rot at different stages of ontogenesis. The total number isolated from tomato rhizosphere fungi of this genus are in the phase of germination from 6 to 38 %, the beginning of flowering from 12 to 46% at the end of the growing season from 0 to 50 %. In the phase of germination of tomatoes, the number of Colony Forming Units (CFU) of fungi of the genus Fusarium ranged from 0.5 to 4.0 thousand in 1 gram of absolutely dry soil. In all the years of studies the minimum number of micromycetes of this genus stood out from the rhizosphere of tomatoes by predecessor alfalfa - from 0.3 to 1.2 thousand Colony Forming Units (CFU) significantly lower than after winter wheat. The maximum activity of the genus was identified in the phase of flowering beginning, when with the predecessors of winter wheat, alfalfa and tomatoes, the number of Colony Forming Units (CFU) in 1 gram of absolutely dry soil was 1.5 to 5.6; 1,3 -1,6 and 5,1 - 6,1 thousand in the years of research, respectively. By the end of the growing season in the rhizosphere of tomatoes a significant decrease in the number Fusarium was revealewd, regardless of previous crop. To reduce their number contributes an introduction to vegetable crop rotation of alfalfa or tomatoe plantinsg in winter wheat.
Keywords: Tomatoes, phases of development, predecessors, micromycetes, succession, the genus Fusarium, bioindication, rhizosphere, weather predictors
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-70-81-85


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  1. Pikushova Emiliya Aleksandrovna, Phd in Biology, Professor of the Department of Phytopathology, Entomology and Plant Protection, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “I.T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University”.
  2. Kravtsova Mariya Sergeyevna, konsul'tant po zashchite rasteniy, LLC «Vladis-Agro».