Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2018, № 70

UDC: 634.8
GSNTI: 34.29.01

Morphometry of table-grapes introduced varieties

In the presented article the data of a comparative morphometric estimation of leaf parameters of three grapes table varieties: Anuta, Dolgozhdanni and Pervozvanny, widely spread on amateur and farmer plots of Russia are shown. Leaf parameters of varieties of the table direction of use included well-known OIV codes (International Organization of Grapes and Wine): 065-1, or in our work 651 - the length of the leaf blade; 065-2, or 652 - the width of the leaf blade; 092 - length of petiole; 601 - the length of the middle vein; 602 - length of the upper lateral vein; 603 - length of the lower lateral vein; 604 - length from the intersection of the lower lateral vein to its lower edge; 605 - the upper sinus length; 606 - the lower sinus length; 607 - alpha angle; 608 beta angle; 609 - zetta angle; 610 gamma angle; 611 - the width from the intersection of the lower lateral vein to the lower edge; 612 - the length of the right upper shape; 613 - the width of the right upper shape; 614 - length of the right lower shape; 615 - width of the right lower shape; 616 - number of shapes of the upper lateral blade; 617 - width of the upper lateral blade; 618 - distance between the lower blades; 619 - length from the point of attachment of the petiole to the leaf blade to the lower shape. Analysis of the ampelometric data of these varieties showed that they have significant differences not only among themselves but they also differ from their parents. If we consider the parameters of leaf blades for each of the three varieties separately, comparing them with each other, we can say that they are well expressed in the weather and climate conditions of the Anapo-Taman zone and are therefore clearly distinguishable in comparisons.
Keywords: Grapes, grape variety, characteristics, leaf, comparative morphometry, Anjuta, Long-awaited, The apostle
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-70-58-62


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  1. Makhovitski Bogdan Alexandrovich, PhD-student, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “I.T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University”.