Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2018, № 70

UDC: 338.2
GSNTI: 06.81.00

The performance management with the selection of promising directions

The article touches upon the problems of efficiency management based on the system of balanced indicators (SBI), which examines the goals and strategy through a comprehensive system of assessment of the organizations ' activities, providing a certain methodology for the creation of a system of strategic criteria and management system. The SBI evaluates the work of the organization by projecting four balanced pairs of meters, such as Finance, customer relations, internal business processes, as well as training and staff development, but it can take other components depending on the single strategy and objectives of the organization. Building of the system of evaluation indicators of an organization based on SBI requires compliance with the following principles: focus on the continuous implementation of innovative activities; non-financial performance indicators should be of priority in the system of evaluation indicators; creation of a system of key evaluation indicators using only the parameters of production and financial activities that are measurable and their numerical values can be established. According to the study, among the existing evaluation systems it is the SBI that is the most acomodated one to adaptation in different conditions of open systems, but its implementation requires an appropriate corporate culture, effective management. The organization should be internally prepared for the adoption of the SBI and be able to maintain this readiness until the balanced scorecard is fully in place. According to the authors, the system of balanced indicators can be used in the organizations of the construction industry, on the basis of existing business processes to determine their effectiveness, the article offers a list of targets that allow to solve an important scientific and practical problem of assessing the quality of different structure of business processes in a single scale, which leads to a significant improvement in management in the organization by predicting the consequences in decision-making.
Keywords: Balanced scorecards, process effectiveness, process management
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-70-21-31


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  1. Lunchevici Nina Mihaylovna, DSc in Economics, professor, Kuban State Technological University.
  2. Solovyeva Ekaterina Vladimirovna, DSc in Economics, professor, Kuban State Technological University.