Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2017, № 69

UDC: 664.9.047
GSNTI: 65.53.35

Development of technologies for the production of fast-restored powder food

Currently, in food production there was a steady trend towards the development and production of semi-finished products, instant foods and snacks because of the accelerating pace of life and employment of labor segments of the population. This paper is devoted to the relevant problem, the development of instant high-quality and safe products for any age groups and also for applications in bakery, confectionery, sausages, dairy industry as fillers. The production of powders does not require significant material and energy effort, and the availability of such a resource base in the Krasnodar region makes the industry one of the most attractive for both domestic and foreign investors. The production of dried, including powder products are not technically difficult, energetically justified compared to the costs of preserving and has a number of obvious advantages. The work covers the various ways of obtaining fast-restored powder of foodstuff and identified promising drying method, matched its characteristics and describes its advantages. In the work of selection of raw materials and equipment for the drying process and also developed technological scheme of production of fast-restored food. Disassembled technical characteristics of various infrared dryers. For primary processing of raw materials and end operations drying process can be applied to existing standard equipment, packaged in a continuously active process. The choice of raw materials was due to the medico-biological requirements developed by the Institute of nutrition of the Russian Federation on the basis of the modern concept of a balanced diet, physiological and biochemical characteristics of the human body and the availability of raw material sources.
Keywords: Rapidly renewable powders, instant products, baby food, infrared drying, apples, beets, carrots
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-69-279-284


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  1. Varivoda Аlbina Alekseevna, PhD in Technology, associate professor, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “I.T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University”.