Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2017, № 69

UDC: 616.681-007.41:636.4
GSNTI: 68.41.33

Boar's cryptorchidism in the conditions of Pig-breeding complex

The aim of research work was to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the prevalence of cryptorchidism in young boars in the conditions of industrial pig-breeding complex. To achieve this goal we have analysed documents veterinary accounting and reporting, as well as the General clinical examination of animals, found that the creep-torism diagnosed of 32.00% of newly arrived pigs to the rearing site, and medium cyclic frequency of registration varies from 2.0% to 4.0%. Records of the seasons showed that in the preparation of young pigs from the farrowing in autumn to La cryptorchid is 42,93% (27799 pigs), in the winter of 32.70% (21190 pigs) in the summer of 13.70% (8877 pigs), in the spring of 10.70% (6934 pigs). Analysis of the studied pathology in the farrowing in identifying etiological factors has allowed to establish that the greatest number of sick animals is recorded in a litter of gilts at the first farrowing - 27,70% (3412 pigs) in young sows at the second farrowing - 10,80% (1331 pigs), and sows the sixth - 19,80% (2440 pigs) and the seventh farrowing - 22,50% (2773 pigs), in addition, as the number of animals in the litter sows decreases, there is a decrease in the rate of registration of accounted andrological pathologies in piglets postnatal period, i.e. the following trend is established: 12 piglets - 19,80% (2440 pigs), 10 piglets - 16,20% (1995pigs), 7 piglets - 14,20% (749 pigs).
Keywords: Pigs, cryptorchidism, pig farm
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-69-249-256


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  1. Stekolnikov Anatolii Aleksandrovich, rector, head of the department of general and private surgery, St. Petersburg State Academy of Veterinary Medicine.
  2. Ladanova Mariia Aleksandrovna, assistant, St. Petersburg State Academy of Veterinary Medicine.
  3. Tolkachev Vladimir Aleksandrovich, senior lecturer, Kursk state agricultural Academy.
  4. Kolomiytsev Sergei Mikhailovich, head of the Department of surgery and therapy, Kursk state agricultural Academy.
  5. Akulshina Darya Evgenievna, pharmacologist, Kursk branch of the fgbi "MCEWEN" Roszdravnadzor.