Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2017, № 69

UDC: 637.133
GSNTI: 65.63.29

On automation of technological processes of milk processing and dairy production

When processing milk and producing dairy products, the key factor is the control of the quality indicators of milk and manufactured products using automatic control systems of SAK with the use of microprocessors and microcontrollers. When milk is taken, automated plants allow determination of milk composition and quality including the content of somatic cells, mass fat content and protein fraction. The milk storage tanks are equipped by the local automatic systems. The technological processes of milk normalization are connected with the adjustment of its parameters. The functional diagram of automatization of the milk normalization process in the flow involves the use of a microprocessor controller. The composition of the automated production area of drinking milk includes information sensors on the status of process parameters, digital instruments for monitoring process parameters. The process of producing liquid starter cultures and bacterial concentrates involves the possibility of changing the productivity of the cultivator. Automatization does not cover milk supply to the processing equipment, transfer of equipment from one technological operation to another and many other processes. Further automatization of technological processes in dairy production should be based on the extensive use of robotics and flexible robotic lines.
Keywords: Dairy production, milk processing, automation, technology, robotics
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-69-236-242


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  1. Komlatsky Vasliy Ivanovich, Drс in Agricultural, professor, Head of the department; Department Private zootechnics and pig, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “I.T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University”.
  2. Takho-Godi Arkadiy Ziamovich, DSc in Engineering, professor; Department Private zootechnics and pig, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “I.T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University”.
  3. Podoynitsyna Tatyiana Anatolievna, Phd in Agricultural, associate; Department Private zootechnics and pig, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “I.T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University”.