Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2017, № 69

UDC: 63:633.1
GSNTI: 68.35:68.35.29

Photosynthetic activity and elements of winter wheat productivity, depending on the predecessors

The aim of the work is the comparative study of winter wheat varieties characteristics of photosynthetic activity and productivity elements depending on their predecessors: Nota, Yuka and Moskvich. To achieve the goal, the area of the leaf surface, the net productivity of photosynthesis was determined. Elements of productivity of winter wheat varieties were determined according to the method of state variety testing of agricultural crops. When assessing the state of winter wheat sowing in the conditions of the experiment, the difference in the indices both in varieties and in the cultivation zones is clearly visible. The area of the leaf surface for all varieties of winter wheat does not fall below 30,000 m2 per hectare. The largest leaf surface is formed by plants of the Yuka variety in the foothill and mountain zone, where the hydrothermal conditions of the year were the most favorable. In the experimental variant with Yuka variety, where pea was the predecessor of winter wheat, the area of the leaf surface was 33.5 thousand m2 per hectare, while with the Nota variety in the same variant - 33.1 thousand m2. Variety of winter wheat Moskvich occupied an intermediate position between Nota and Yuka in terms of the area of the leaf surface. In the foothill zone (zone of unstable wetting) in the studied winter wheat varieties, the net productivity of photosynthesis was (grade Yuka) by the predecessor pea 3.6 g / m2 per day, and in the steppe zone the same variety had 3.2 g/m2 per day PPP). For other wheat varieties under study, we observe similar results. The PSC in the zone of unstable moistening is expressed by better indices than in the zone of insufficient moisture (the predecessor pea), although other predecessors yield the same results. Comparison of dry matter mass in the cultivation zones shows that more solids were formed per unit of the area in the foothill and mountain zones. Of the predecessors of winter wheat, peas and corn for silage proved more favorable. Indicators of productivity elements were higher for all varieties in the foothill zone of the predecessor of pea.
Keywords: Leaf area, net productivity of photosynthesis, precursor, productivity elements, variety, dry mass
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-69-199-206


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  1. Khashagulgov Umar Akhmetovich, Phd in Agriculture, associate professor, VPO "Ingush State University".
  2. Khashagulgov Makka Ahmetovna, Phd in Biology, associate professor, VPO "Ingush State University".
  3. Getokov Oleg Olievich, DSc in Biology, Professor, FGBOU VO V.M. Kokova "Kabardino-Balkarian State Agrarian University.
  4. Kashukoev Murat Vladimirovich, DSc in Agriculture, Professor, FGBOU VO V.M. Kokova "Kabardino-Balkarian State Agrarian University.