Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2017, № 68

UDC: 633.8:582.998.16:665.52(477.70)
GSNTI: 68.35.43

Peculiarities of development and component composition of Artemisia annua L. essential oil in the conditions of the Southern сoast of Crimea

The dynamics of the above-ground mass formation of Artemisia annua L. of the variety Novichok was studied during the autumn sowing periods in the conditions of the Southern coast of the Crimea. Plants are distinguished by the appearance of level shoots, further intensive growth and development due to the available moisture in the early spring period. The height of plants is 210-230 cm, the yielding capacity of raw materials is 110-130 kg/ha. The maximum amount of essential oil is contained in the raw material in the beginning of flowering phase (1.15% by wet weight), gradually decreasing to the phase of seed ripening, which makes it possible to consider the period from the end of August to the end of October to be optimal for the gathering of essential oil. A comparative study of the content and component composition of the essential oil obtained by hydrodistillation according to Ginsberg and Clevenger showed that its mass fraction according to Clevenger is somewhat lower (0.95% of the wet weight, compared with 1.15% for Ginsberg). The oil obtained in this way is characterized by a lower mass fraction of the main components of the oil - ketone artemisia (by 16%) and camphor (by 6%), and increased content of sesquiterpenes (by 21%) and monoterpenes (by 4%).
Keywords: Artemisia annua L, terms of sowing, productivity, chemical composition of essential oil, artemisia ketone, camphor
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-68-96-102


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  1. Logvinenko Lidia Alekseevna, researcher; Laboratory of aromatic and medicinal plants, FBBUN "Nikitsky Botanical Garden - National Science Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences".
  2. Shevchuk Oksana Michailovna, Dr. of Biological Sciences), the Head; Laboratory of aromatic and medicinal plants, FBBUN "Nikitsky Botanical Garden - National Science Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences".