Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2017, № 68

UDC: 726:27-573 (470.620)
GSNTI: 67.07.03

The problems of forming the architecture of small churches and chapels

The main issues of modern domestic experience in the design, construction and subsequent operation of buildings and structures of Orthodox churches, namely small churches and chapels, are considered. The relevance of the topic of research in the context of the ethical formation of the individual - the formation of concepts, judgments, feelings and convictions towards spiritual and moral national traditions is noted. The prerequisites for the historical development of Russian temple architecture are revealed. The problem of the deficit of temple structures in new areas of urban and rural settlements is equally affected, with an assessment of the situation associated with the construction of small churches and chapels in the Krasnodar Territory. Attention is focused on the careful preservation of buildings, structures and complexes of Orthodox churches that are monuments of historical and cultural heritage, as well as on the need for some of them in professional restoration or reconstruction. Some provisions of SP 31-103-99 ''Buildings, structures and complexes of Orthodox churches'' are given, in particular, the necessary calculation of pedestrian accessibility to the corresponding temple sites. An analysis of the existing situation of temples and chapels in the territory of the city of Slavyansk-on-Kuban of the Krasnodar Territory with numerical indicators of the planning of these facilities in the territory of the given municipality is carried out. The notion of ''chapel'' is specified and the corresponding classification of this temple structure is given. Important attention is paid to the current legislation and especially financial costs in the design and construction of small churches and chapels. The expediency of observing the national traditions of the temple structure is proved. The main urban planning and architectural solutions for solving the problem of the formation of small churches and chapels are determined. It was concluded that it is necessary to involve a wide range of specialists to solve this problem.
Keywords: Small church, chapel, architecture, construction, architectonics, historical and cultural heritage, urban planning situation
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-68-187-191


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  1. Subbotin Oleg Stepanovich, PhD of architecture of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Architecture of the Republic of Armenia, assistant professor, professor of the Department of Architecture, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “I.T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University”.