Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2017, № 68

UDC: 619:616.596
GSNTI: 68.41.43

Use of medical and hygienic medicines for prevention of lameness and treatment of diseases of hooves of cattle

Expediency of application of medical and hygienic means of Espuarol-Gel with dermatotropny effect and adhesive properties to soft fabrics and a hoofed horn on the basis of a helatny complex of salts of lanthanides for prevention of lameness and therapy of diseases of hooves of cattle is evidence-based and experimentally proved. Espuarol-Gel approved in the leading cattle breeding enterprises of the Chuvash Republic and the Republic of Tatarstan has more expressed therapeutic effect, than Espuarol-Sin, Solka gel and solution of a copper vitriol, providing bactericidal action on causative agents of diseases of hooves, expressed in reduction of a total group ball score of a condition of extremities, total point of lameness and total diameter of defeats. It is established what at cows of experimental groups before treatment of hooves is observed лейкоцитоз, exceeding physiological norms, with the expressed shift of a leykotsitarny formula to the left, namely - increase in quantity of stab neutrophils and reduction the segmentoyadernykh, and also increase in monocytes. For the 14th days after treatment at animal skilled groups stabilization of a leykotsi-tare formula and her approach to physiological norm against the background of deterioration in control is revealed. It should be noted that hematologic indicators of cows of the 3rd skilled group after application of Espuarol-Gel have entered limits of physiological norms earlier, than those at contemporaries of control, 1st and 2nd skilled groups. The system of veterinary and hygienic methods of prevention of lameness and therapy of diseases of hooves of cattle providing respect for hygiene of contents, feeding and leaving, functional cutting of hooves by the Dutch flat method on the machine with the manual drive and application of medical and hygienic means of Espuarol-Gel is offered production.
Keywords: Cows, lameness, diseases of hooves, prevention, therapy, solution of a copper vitriol, gel Solka, Espuarol-Gel, Espuarol-Sin
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-68-158-164


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  1. Tyurin Vladimir Grigorievich, Dr. vet. Sci., Professor, Head. laboratory of zoogygiene and environmental protection, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Veterinary Sanitary, Hygiene and Ecology.
  2. Semenov Vladimir Grigorievich, Dr. Biol. , Professor of the Department of Morphology, Obstetrics and Therapeutics, FSBEI HE "Chuvash State Agricultural Academy".
  3. Chuchulin Alexey Valerievich, graduate student; Department of Morphology, Obstetrics and Therapy, FSBEI HE "Chuvash State Agricultural Academy".
  4. Granatsky Leonid Nikolaevich, graduate student; Department of Morphology, Obstetrics and Therapy, FSBEI HE "Chuvash State Agricultural Academy".