Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2017, № 68

UDC: 636.2.034.55
GSNTI: 68.39.15

Analysis of the effectiveness of Landrace families pigs breeding systems

The article presents material on the analysis of effectiveness of Landrace family’s pigs breeding by analyzing breeding and reproductive traits of the genetic potential of animals. In the experiment the families of four probands were analysed: Troy, Faina, Tyra and Serena. In the process of analysing the evaluation of reproductive qualities of sows, as well as comparative assessment of indicators of the sows of the first farrowing and performance of the same family sows of the second and subsequent farrowings. In the course of the experiment for the sows group of the first farrow the best results of multiple pregnancy and milk yield are determined for the sows family of Serena (of 10.76 goals and 55.7 kg, respectively). In the group of sows of the second and more farrowings the most productive were the animas ofl genetic group of proband tyre, which in terms of multiple pregnancy and the weight of one piglet were superior to the mean group performance per 1 head and 0.4 kg, respectively. When comparing the results of farrowing of first farrowing sows with the dams of the main herd among themselves, the higher reproductive parameters were observed in mares with two or more litters. For this age group the lower correlative effect levels were noted, which reflects the stability indicators and the ability to predict the results of breeding and selection.
Keywords: Genotype, breeding, line, the family, the variation of the trait, environmental heterosis, correlation
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-68-153-157


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  1. Lyashenko Natalia Vladimirovna, PhD in biology, associate professor; The department of technology of agricultural production, FSBEI HE "Maikop State Technological University".
  2. Jarmoc Alexander Vasilyevich, Dr. of agricultural Sciences, professor; The department of technology of agricultural production, FSBEI HE "Maikop State Technological University".
  3. Galicheva Maria Sergeevna, PhD in agriculture, associate professor; The department of technology of agricultural production, FSBEI HE "Maikop State Technological University".
  4. Tletseruk Irina Rashidovna, PhD in biology, associate professor; The department of technology of agricultural production, FSBEI HE "Maikop State Technological University".
  5. Ratoshny Alexander Nikolaevich, Dr. of agricultural Sciences, professor, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “I.T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University”.