Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2017, № 68

UDC: 636.32 /. 38.
GSNTI: 68.68.39, 68.39.31

The efficacy of introduction crossing stavropol-zabaykalski ewes with the producers of the Volgograd breed in conditions of the Volga region

In the Volga region study of the effect of meat-wool breed Volgograd on the productivity of Stavropol sheep is for the first time. In the SEC Novouzenskiy, Saratov region was carried out by crossing Stavropol-Zabaykalsky ewes with rams of the breed of Volgograd PZ Romashkovskiy Volgograd region. Comparative assessment was conducted on crossbred and purebred rams. In all of the age of the hybrids were larger purebred and had a greater energy of growth. Further observation barankami of different origin showed that at weaning in 4 months ahead of a cross between a purebred in live weight by 4.0%, and in 8 months surpassed by 5.67%. Control slaughter 8-month-old rams showed that the hybrids were observed superiority over purebred peers by weight of steam on carcasses by 18.85%, slaughter weight by 18.96% at the exit of the carcass by 2.56% and slaughter yield of 2.65%. The superiority of hybrids over purebred peers was by weight and yield of pulp by 21.51% and 1.58%, and the coefficient of mesnosti by 9.47%. In the meat of rams crossbred compared to purebred was less moisture, more protein and fat. Due to the greater fat content of the meat of the hybrids differed from purebred animals of greater calories. The hybrids were characteristic and more full of meat. On the basis of experience obtained a patent for the invention. The essence of the invention in the creation of groups of sheep from the predictable to 14-15 months for rannemvozraste productivity measurement of productivity in 4-4.5 months,depending on the degree of rogatory lambs. Consequently, Volgograd breed is after improver productivity of Stavropol sheep population in the Volga.
Keywords: Sheep, breed, interbreeding, offspring, productivity
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-66-149-153


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  1. Lakota Elena Aleksandrovna, Phd. of agricultural Sciences, leading researcher of the Department of animal husbandry, Scientific research Institute of agriculture of the South-East Ulyanovsk State Agricultural Academy Research Institute of Agriculture of the East.