Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2017, № 68

UDC: 636.4
GSNTI: 68.39.35

Enzymes for improving productive activity of feed

The results of studies on the use of mixtures of enzyme preparations of domestic production amilosubtilin and cellolux and also amilosubtilin and protosubtilin in compound feeds for young pigs at growing and fattening are presented in our article. The object of the study are young pigs of large white breed. There were 3 groups of clinically healthy pigs with 12 heads in each. The aim of the research is to study the influence of a mixture of domestic enzyme preparations in the composition of mixed fodders on the dynamics of growth in the live weight of young pigs, biochemical and hematological blood indices and economic efficiency. Scientific and economic experience was held at the farm of ZAO "Progress" Yalchik district of the Chuvash Republic. To determine the effect of a mixture of enzyme preparations on the growth energy of the experimental animals conducted monthly individual weighing. It was determined the dynamics of live weight, absolute and average daily gains. The average daily growth for the entire accounting period was 713.3 g in the first test group; in the second experimental group - 682.7 g or higher, by 13.6% and 8.7% than in the control group. In the control group, 4.82 ECE was spent per 1 kg of body weight gain. Feed costs per 1 kg of gain in the first test group were lower by 0.57 ECE and in the second experimental group by 0.38 ECE than in the control group. The use of a mixture of enzyme preparations improves hematopoiesis (increase in hemoglobin level) to 6.9 g/l, the number of erythrocytes up to 0.29 1012/l, protein and mineral metabolism. The use of mixtures of enzyme preparations of domestic production in the composition of mixed fodders is economically profitable. At 1 rub additional costs were received for the first experimental group 8.29 rub and for the second experimental group 6.06 rub.
Keywords: Feed, enzyme preparations, young pigs, the dynamics of live weight, economic efficiency
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-68-145-149


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  1. Danilova Nadezhda Vladimirovna, postgraduate, Chuvash State Agricultural Academy.
  2. Lavrentyev Anatoly Yurievich, Dr. of agricult. science, ass. professor, Chuvash State Agricultural Academy.