Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2017, № 67

UDC: 634.22:631.526.3:581.192
GSNTI: 34.31.27

Biological valuability of cherry plum fruits of the Idilliya, Krasnomyasaya and Pissardi Krupnoplodnaya cultivars

The article is devoted to the study of the biological value of the cherry plum cultivars with dark-colored fruits. It has been established that the fruits of the investigated cultivars are characterized by a high concentration of pectin substances (1,08-1,29 g/100 g), of ascorbic acid (8,45-10,30 mg/100 g), P-active flavonoids (of which leucoanthocyanins - 196-456 mg/100 g, anthocyanins 286-1353 mg/100 g), potassium (1124-1197 mg/100 g), copper (0,27-9,25 mg/kg) and iron (3,02-7,27 mg/kg), as well as the presence of manganese (0,378-0,530 mg/kg) and other essential elements. According to the content of potassium cultivars differences are not significant. It was determined that 250-267 g of the investigated cherry plum cultivars with dark-colored fruits provide the maximum daily human need for potassium. The fruits of Idilliya are distinguished by the highest content of sugars (12,5 g/100 g) and the smallest - organic acids (1,48 g/100 g), the highest content of calcium (314 mg/kg), magnesium (463 mg/kg) and copper (9,25 mg/kg). The fruits of the cultivar Krasnyasaya have the highest content of antioxidants, zinc (5,56 mg/kg), manganese (0,530 mg/kg) and high copper content (8,98 mg/kg). Fruits of the Pissardi Krupnoplodnaya cultivar accumulate the greatest amount of iron, in the content of magnesium, zinc, manganese, dry matter and organic acids occupy an intermediate position, yielding to the Idilliya and Krasnyasaya cultivars according to the remaining indices. The results obtained allow to recommend the use of cherry plum cultivars with dark-colored fruits in the dietary food of the population. Use in breeding of cultivars of cherry plums with dark-colored fruits and with a high content of BAS will allow expanding the raw material base for obtaining products of therapeutic and preventive action.
Keywords: Cultivar, cherry plum, fruits, essential elements, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, anthocyanins, leucoanthocyanins, ascorbic acid, pectins
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-67-43-47


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  1. Dunaevskaya Elena Viktorovna, Ph.D. Employee of the laboratory of agroecology, FSBI "Nikitsky Botanical Garden - National Science Center of RAS".
  2. Gorina Valentina Milentyevna, Dr. of Agricultural Sciences. Sciences, head. Laboratories of southern fruit crops, FSBI "Nikitsky Botanical Garden - National Science Center of RAS".
  3. Grebennikova Oksana Anatolievna, Cand. Biol. Sciences, art. Researcher of the Laboratory of Biochemistry, FSBI "Nikitsky Botanical Garden - National Science Center of RAS".