Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2017, № 67

UDC: 582.548.25: 57.085.23
GSNTI: 34.31.33

Morpho-anatomical and physiological peculiarities of canna (Canna x hybrida hort. ex Backer, cv. Dar Vostoka) explants cultured in vitro and ex situ

This study aimed to investigate the regeneration ways of perspective cv. Dar Vostoka and to compare the structural and functional parameters of regenerants in vitro and plants ex situ. It was shown that the process of canna morphogenesis includes 3 stage: additional microshoots formation, meristemoids formation at their base and regeneration of microshoots. For active adventive shoot formation of cv. Dar Vostoka it's necessary to cultured of explants on MS medium with 1,27 mg l-1 TDZ. For meristemoids regeneration and rhizogenesis, its were transferred on the medium with 1,5 mg l-1 BAP and 1,5 mg l-1 IAA. Leaves of regenerants are bifacial, amphistomatic, with undifferentiated mesophyll and developed aerochyma. The indices of chlorophyll fluorescence induction were evinced to the normal functioning of regenerants leaves assimilating tissues. The results obtained are the basis for the development of clonal micropropagation of canna.
Keywords: Canna, micropropagation, meristemoid, leaf structure, functional state, in vitro, ex situ
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-67-263-268


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  1. Tevfik Arzy Shevkievna, Cand. Sc. (Biol.), Junior Scientists, FSBSI “Research Institute of Agriculture of Crimea”.
  2. Mitrofanova Irina Vjacheslavovna, Dr. Sc. (Biol.), Senior Researcher, Head of Plant Developmental, FВBSI “Nikita Botanical Gardens - National Scientific Centre RAS”.
  3. Brailko Valentina Anatolievna, Research Associate of laboratory, FВBSI “Nikita Botanical Gardens - National Scientific Centre RAS”.