Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2017, № 67

UDC: 631.535.633.812.754
GSNTI: 68.35.03

Elements of the technology of reproduction of lavender angustifolia varieties Sineva

The article presents the results of researches on study of two methods of vegetative propagation of plants lavender varieties Sineva - green cuttings and annuals woody cuttings. The experiments were carried out at the production basis of the FSBSI "Research Institute of agriculture of Crimea" in Krymskaya Roza, Belogorsk district, the Republic of Crimea. In 2006 was founded the nursery lavender plants obtained from woody cuttings annual for dense planting scheme: inter-row spacing of 0,50 m, the distance between plants in the row of 0,25 m. The Area of the cells (S) 100 m2. Experience included five options for harvesting cuttings from the nursery: № 1 - harvesting only the annual hardwood cuttings; № 2 - is a one-time procurement of green cuttings; № 3 - twice harvesting of green cuttings; № 4 - is a one-time procurement of green cuttings and hardwood cuttings annuals; № 5 - serving the procurement of green cuttings and a one-time annual harvesting woody cuttings. In the first two years of high intensity education the cuttings were observed. On the third and fourth year of vegetation as a result of expanding shoots, the intensity of the formation of cuttings has increased dramatically and averaged 98 pieces/bush (78,6 thous. pcs./100 m2) in 2010 and 96 pieces/bush (76,9 thous. pcs./100 m2) in 2011, Adverse weather conditions following two years of sharply decreased the shoot formation to 47 pieces/bush (37,2 thous. pcs./100 m2) in 2012, and up to 45 pieces/bush (36,0 thous. pcs./100 m2) in 2013. The greatest number of cuttings in the eight years of vegetation obtained in the variants with twice-a-day procurement of green cuttings and one-time procurement and annual green hardwood cuttings - 528 and 546 pieces/bush (422,8 and 437,1 thous. pcs./100 m2), respectively. The rooting rate in all cropping option in the first four years of vegetation was high (59-70%), and in the next four years - declined (51-55%). Top corporatively ability of shoots was the first variant (with disposable annual harvesting woody cuttings), in which the highest percentage of rooting of indeterminant (60-75%) that endured for six years of vegetation.
Keywords: Lavandula angustifolia, vegetative propagation, green cuttings, annuals woody cuttings, exit cuttings, rooting, the yield of seedlings
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-67-229-235


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  1. Skipor Oleg Bolеslavovich, Phd. Agricultural Sc., Head of the Department; Department of essential oils and medicinal crops, FSBSI "Research Institute of Agriculture of Crimea".
  2. Zolotilov Viktor Anatolievich, Research fellow; Department of essential oils and medicinal crops, FSBSI "Research Institute of Agriculture of Crimea".
  3. Zolotilova Olga Mihailovna, Researcher fellow; Department of essential oils and medicinal crops, FSBSI "Research Institute of Agriculture of Crimea".
  4. Savchenko Marina Vyacheslavovna, Junior Researcher; Department of essential oils and medicinal crops, FSBSI "Research Institute of Agriculture of Crimea".