Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2017, № 67

UDC: 634.4 : 635.07 : 635.92
GSNTI: 68.35.03

Evaluation of species of the genus Ribes L. in conditions of introduction

The article shows the integral assessment of the types of currants in the introduction to the conditions of Central Chernozem zone. Three groups of promising types. The first group with the rating 116-125 points includes one species of currant R. aureum (14% of all studied species), characterized by a high degree of lignification does annual shoots, rooting, yielding, retains the inherent growth form, has a good pobegoobrazovatelnost capacity, annual growth of shoots and forms viable seeds, self-seeding which gives a viable seedlings, to plants R. aureum characterized by a high degree of drought resistance and heat tolerance. In the second group of promising species R. alpinum, R. petraeum, R. warscewiczii (101-115 points), constituting 42% of the studied species. R. petraeum and R. warscewiczii have a high degree of lignification does annual shoots, good pobegoobrazovatelnost capacity, annual shoot growth, preserving the inherent growth form and form viable seeds, artificial seeding which gives viable seedlings. Have an average yield, heat and sashaulica, resistance to diseases. This group includes the species R. alpinum, having high scores for most of the studied parameters. All types of the second group have a high resistance to pests. The group of less advanced types (75-100 points) is 42% of the studied species with a reduced resistance to abiotic and biotic factors and lower yields. Selected the most adapted species R. aureum complex of economic and biological traits, which can be widely used in breeding, to cultivate in the backyard gardening and landscaping populated areas.
Keywords: Integral evaluation, currants, species, drought tolerance, cold hardiness, reproduction, seed, diseases, pests
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-67-212-218


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  1. Sorokopudov Vladimir Nikolaevich, Dr. of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, leading Scientist, FGBUN All-Russian Selection and Technology Institute of Horticulture and Nursery.
  2. Burmenko Julia Vladimirovna, Phd. Biol. Sci., Assistant, Institute of Management "NIU BelSU".
  3. Nigmatzyanov Radmil Askhatovich, graduate student, Institute of Engineering Technology and Natural Sciences "NIU BelSU".