Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2017, № 67

UDC: 633.8:582.929.4:631.527.3 (477.75)
GSNTI: 68.35

Selection study of Agastachе in Nikita botanical gardens

The article presents the results of the selection study of new samples of the Agastache Clayt. ex Gronov of the FSFIS ''The Nikita Botanical Gardens - National Scientific Center of RAS'' collection. When selecting the source material for breeding, the following characteristics were studied: the yield of raw materials, the mass fraction of essential oil, the component composition of essential oil, the yield capacity of essential oil. Two highly productive samples of plants of the genus Agastache were isolated. A. rugosa 2375 is high-yielding, the mass fraction of essential oil is 0,4-0,45% of the raw mass, the yield capacity of oil is 29,1 kg / ha, with the essential oil of the pulegon-menton chemotypes, the mass fraction of the pulegon in essential oil is 37,7%, menthone - 31,6%, as well as the main components of essential oil are: limonene - 10,4% and isomenon - 5,1%, the sample is promising for use in perfumery and cosmetics. A sample of A. scrophulariaefolia No. 2521-2 is a high-oleaginous, mass fraction of essential oil 0,5-0.5% of the wet mass, an oil yield capacity of 29.3 kg / ha with essential oil of methylhavicol chemotypes, which, according to economically valuable characteristics, exceeds the available grade A. foeniculum Memory of Kapelev, it's essential oil of high quality, contains a large amount of methylhavicol - 90,6-93,1%, can be widely used in food industry and medicine. Selected variety samples are the basis for selection and creation of varieties with a wide range of uses. The chromatograms of the essential oil of the samples under study are given in the article.
Keywords: Agastache foeniculum Memory of Kapelev, variety, raw material yield, essential oil, component composition of essential oil, methylhavicol, pulegon
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-67-156-161


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  1. Marco Natalia Vladimirovna, Phd. of Biological Sciences, Senior Researcher; Laboratory of aromatic and medicinal plants, FSBSI ''The Nikita Botanical Gardens - National Scientific Center of RAS''.
  2. Khlypenko Lyudmila Anatol'evna, Phd. of Agricultural Sciences, Senior Researcher; Laboratory of aromatic and medicinal plants, FSBSI ''The Nikita Botanical Gardens - National Scientific Center of RAS''.