Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2017, № 66

UDC: 631.15
GSNTI: 68.01.77

Determination of the set of parameters of rice quality assessment for the formation of the centralized database "Rice quality"

The genetic diversity of the world geneplasm of rice is the basis of the breeding process. Existing directions in the subject field of quality assurance of agricultural products are formed by the methodology of a large array of estimates. The relevance of the scientific problem of designing the Database "Rice quality" is determined by the need to use advanced information technology in theoretical research and practical rice growing. Information system - centralized database "Rice quality" is a tool in the research, which optimizes the dynamic processes of developing varieties with high grain quality. In the domain model, the infological model, a set of parameters for assessing rice quality in terms of out-of-program components was made. As the language of the infological modeling of the subject area “Rice quality" was chosen "entity-relationship". The classes of "essence" or "types of essence" are recognized as objects of the present study as a result of experimental and analytical work: breeding material, collection samples, samples of traits donors, samples of hybrids, samples from breeding nursery, samples from control nursery, samples from competitive variety testing, transferred to the Gosorgoset for variety testing, samples registered as breeding achievements, samples approved for use, samples of production contest, various experimental samples. A sample of rice, a group of selected samples are the core entities, essences, valuation parameters, are characteristic entities, where each characteristic is attached to an instance of a characterized entity and a characteristic entity - the relationship between two entities (a particular case of association). Such characterizing entities were: grain size, fracturing, vitreous, filminess, milling yield, amylose content, protein content, amylographic characteristics.
Keywords: Database, breeding process, infological modeling, core entities
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-66-233-237


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  1. Tumanyan Natalia Georgievna, Dr. of biology, head of laboratory, Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution «All-Russian Rice Research Institute».
  2. Kumeyko Tatiana Borisovna, Ph.D. in agriculture, Senior scientist, Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution «All-Russian Rice Research Institute».
  3. Zelenskiy Grigoriy Leonidovich, Dr. of agriculture, Leading researcher, Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution «All-Russian Rice Research Institute».
  4. Garkusha Sergey Valentinovich, Dr. of agriculture, director, Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution «All-Russian Rice Research Institute».