Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2017, № 66

UDC: 633.85:631:526.32
GSNTI: 68.35.37

Productivity of the winter camelina pilosa depending on the time of sowing in the different climatic regions

The article presents the results of a comparative study of the timing of sowing of winter camelina pilosa in contrasting vegetation conditions. The climate of the Penza region, which includes the Penza NIISH, is moderately continental, the climate of the experimental area of the NIISH of the Crimea is steppe, moderately cold, semi-dry, continental. Penzyak (selection of the Penza NIISH) was the object of research. A comparative study of sowing winter camelina pilosa was carried out in three terms. Due to different meteorological conditions, the dates of sowing did not coincide, but they were guided by the general tendency of sowing of winter crops for a particular zone. In the 2015-2016 period the optimal seeding time for the winter camelina pilosa was the first early period, both for the conditions of the Crimea (the third decade of September) and for the conditions of Penza (the third decade of August), which contributed to the maximum yield of seeds of 1,41 and 1,91 t/ha, respectively. If the content of oleic acid was the highest in the Crimea, the content of linolic and linolenic, on the contrary, in the conditions of the Penza NIISH. In this case, the ratio of acids (ω-3) to (ω-6) practically does not change and is 1: 2,4-1: 2,2. The greatest changes were in erucic acid, which decreased with the increase in the temperature regime: from 2,90 to 2,78%.
Keywords: Winter camelina pilosa, terms of sowing, productivity, fat acids
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-66-203-207


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  1. Prakhova Tat'yana Yakovlevna, Dr. of Agricultural Sciences, Leading Researcher, Head. Department of oil and industrial crops, FGBNU «Penza NIISH of agriculture».
  2. Smirnov Aleksandr Alekseyevich, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, director, FGBNU «Penza NIISH of agriculture».
  3. Prakhov Vladimir Aleksandrovich, Senior Researcher, Laboratory of camelina breeding, FGBNU «Penza NIISH of agriculture».
  4. Turina Yelena Leonidovna, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Senior Research fellow, Head of the Laboratory of plant growing, FSBSI «Research Institute of Agriculture of Crimea», Russia.
  5. Kulinich Roman Alekseyevich, Research fellow, Laboratory of plant growing, FSBSI «Research Institute of Agriculture of Crimea», Russia.