Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2017, № 66

UDC: 634.8.06:631.153: 621.386.8
GSNTI: 68.03.03:47.29.39

Evaluation of the embryonic fruitfulness of grape buds by the method of microfocus x-ray

Planning and normalization of the productivity of a grape plant is one of the important technological elements of the exploitation of vine plantations. Not only the quantity and quality of the harvest, and the quality of the final wine products, but also the features of vegetation flow, as well as the ways and conditions of using the technological elements used in the process of realizing the production potential of the grapes depend on the correctly selected length of the pruning and the load of the vine bush. A different degree of embryonic inflorescence is one of the main factors determining the length of the trimming and the load of the bush by the buds. Thus, the definition of embryonic fruitfulness of wintering buds is an important tool for regulating the production potential of vineyards. At the moment, the determination of the embryonic fruitfulness of the grapes is carried out by germination of one- buds cuttings under artificial conditions or by microscopy at a 12 to 16-fold magnification. Both methods involve destructuring the object of research. At present, there are methods and means of non-destructive investigation of the internal structure of the object and the processes occurring in it with the help of various physical methods, such as X-rays. The X-ray method allows not destroying the object of research to determine all its volumetric and linear anomalies. In the article the technique of estimation of embryonic fruitfulness of buds of grapes by a method of microfocus X-rays is described. The proposed methodology makes it possible not only to simplify the work, but also to reduce labor costs, and also to shorten the term of analysis due to more rapid results, and due to such advantages as speed and greater objectivity, in the long run it can replace traditional methods of estimating embryonic fruitfulness.
Keywords: Grapes, embryonic fruitfulness, inflorescence, microfocus X-ray, diagnostics, crop planning
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-66-185-189


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  1. Nikolskiy Maxim Alekseyevich, Cand. Agr. Sci, Associate Professor, Senior Researcher, Laboratory of viticulture and winemaking, the head of the scientific direction nurseries, Federal State Budget Scientific Institution ''Anapa Zonal Experimental Station of Viticulture and Winemaking North Caucasian Regional Research Institute of Horticulture and Viticulture''.
  2. Gryaznov Artem Yur'yevich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Department of Electron Devices Design and Manufacturing, Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University "LETI".