Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2017, № 66

UDC: 633.112.1:631.5
GSNTI: 68.35.29

Features choice of predecessor and sowing time of winter durum wheat when it is cultivated in the Krasnodar Territori

Summarizes information about the requirements to the choice of precursors for seeding of winter durum wheat. The place of culture in crop rotation. The yield of the varieties of hard winter wheat depending on the predecessor. The effect of precursors on the structure of yield and grain quality. The most optimal terms of sowing. Harvest elements of its structure and grain quality of durum wheat depending on sowing time.
Keywords: Winter durum wheat, predecessor, sowing date, yield, grain quality
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-66-181-185


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  1. Mudrova Aleksandra Alekseyevna, Chief Scientific Officer, FGBICU ''Krasnodar Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture. P.P. Lukyanenko''.
  2. Yanovskiy Aleksey Sergeyevich, Cand. S.-. In Science, Leading Researcher, FGBICU ''Krasnodar Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture. P.P. Lukyanenko''.
  3. Kudryashov Igor' Nikolayevich, Dr. of Agricultural Sciences. Sciences, Ch. Researcher, FGBICU ''Krasnodar Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture. P.P. Lukyanenko''.