Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2017, № 64

UDC: 639.3.043.13
GSNTI: 69.25.15

Probiotic as an immunomodulator

This article continues the series of publications devoted to the description of probiotics action in fish farming. A series of studies on the use of the aforementioned probiotics in fish farming was carried out during the last years. The following areas concerning the effect of these preparations have been considered: treatment of eggs and larvae, feed formulations for young carp and sturgeon fingerlings raised in laboratory and field experiments. In spring and summer of 2016 we studied the effect of probiotics on carp fish species, in particular their impact on the overall resistance of the organism and immune status. It is noted that the microorganisms entering the preparations "Monosporin" "STF-1/56" and "M-Bacell" have strong inhibitory properties against intestinal pathogens. A distinctive feature of these probiotics is their ability to improve the anti-infectious stability of an organism. The mechanism of preventing colonization of intestinal pathogens is their competition for adherence to the epithelium surface. Bacteria that grow slowly but attach to the intestinal wall can colonize the intestine, while the non-adhering species are able to compensate by increasing their growth rate. The attachment provides some resistance to the microorganisms and they cannot be washed out of the intestine. Hence, if a probiotic strain can occupy the place of adhesion on the intestinal wall, it survives in the digestive tract, and vice versa. Thus, the results of our studies on the use of feed prebiotics to normalize the intestinal microflora give evidence of their therapeutic and preventive effect, health benefits, better intestinal microflora and increased natural resistance of an organism.
Keywords: Resistance, prebiotic, microbiocenose, bacteria, microflora, strain, adherence, pathogens, inhibition
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-64-188-191


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  1. Tkacheva Irina Vasilevna, PhD in agriculture, Don State Technical University; Azov Fisheries Research Institute.
  2. Tishchenko Nikolay Nikolaevich, Dr. of agricultural sciences, Don State Agriculture University.