Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2017, № 64

UDC: 636.237.23.034
GSNTI: 68.39.29

Milk productivity of simmental cows depending on the dry matter consumption

The article presents the results of the diet dry matter intake by Simmental dairy and beef cows and the effect on milk productivity and physiological state. In recent years, great interest has been shown to cows of this breed, as it combines high milk productivity, high quality meat, a calm temperament and good health. One of the most important indicators of the rationed feeding is the optimal level of the dry matter in the diet, as it ensures the requirement of animals in energy and nutrients. The studies were conducted on cows - Simmental equivalents, divided into three groups (10 animals each). There was yard housing, the same type of feeding with adequate feed mixture, the preparatory period was during the first 10 days after calving. The experimental period was from 11th day of lactation; in this period, the rate of dry matter intake in experimental animals of the first control group was calculated according to the VIZH standards, second experimental group - NRC standards - factorial method. In the third experimental group the rate of dry matter intake for the control group was increased by 15%. The content of nutrients in 1 kg of dry matter of the diets had no significant differences. As a result, within 120 days of accounting experiment period the milk yield per each cow of the third group was 3824 kg, average daily milk yield was 31,8 kg, in the second group these figures were respectively 3335 kg, 27,8 kg, and in the first control group - 3430 kg, 28,5 kg. It was established experimentally that for the realization of cows’ genetic potential it is necessary to carry out the adjustment of the diet dry matter intake based on breed, body weight, the week of lactation, productivity, fat and protein in milk.
Keywords: Simmental breed, dry matter, milk production, requirement, metabolisable energy, lactation week
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-64-182-187


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  1. Onoprienko Nina Anatolievna, PhD in agriculture, associate professor, Chief researcher, Laboratory of feeding and physiology of farm animals, North-Caucasus Research Institute of Animal Husbandry.
  2. Onoprienko Vladimir Viktorovich, PhD in agriculture, associate professor, Department of physiology and feeding of farm animals, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "I. T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University".