Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2017, № 64

UDC: 636.2.034.55
GSNTI: 68.39.15

Efficiency of glauconitic sandstone deposits of Abadzekh field in the diet of dairy cows with the aim of osteodystrophy prevention

The article presents data on the use of natural minerals, namely glauconitic Sandstone, as additives in dairy cows feeding. The application of glauconitic sandstone allowed establishing its positive influence on the level of toxic elements content in blood of experimental cows, which in the experimental group for 30 days was below 1 mg/l for Nickel, and 0,29 mg/l for lead. The application of glauconitic sandstone showed an increase in the content of total calcium, inorganic phosphorus and magnesium for 30 days the index in the blood of the animals of the experimental group was higher by 34,7%, 27,4 and 43,6% respectively relative to the control value for each trace element. Application of glauconite in the blood serum of experimental animals revealed increase of pH of the blood to the end of the experiment, 0,2 units, while the alkaline reserve was higher than the control by 39,5%.
Keywords: Mineral balance, toxicity, biochemical parameters of blood, parameters of blood serum, glauconite, osteodystrophy
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-64-178-181


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  1. Lyashenko Natalia Vladimirovna, PhD in biology, associate professor; Department of technology of agricultural production, FSBEI HE «Maykop State Technological University».
  2. Jarmoc Alexander Vasilyevich, Dr. of agricultural sciences, pofessor; Department of technology of agricultural production, FSBEI HE «Maykop State Technological University».
  3. Galicheva Maria Sergeevna, PhD in agriculture, associate professor; Department of technology of agricultural production, FSBEI HE «Maykop State Technological University».
  4. Ratoshny Alexander Nikolaevich, Dr. of agricultural sciences, professor of the Department of physiology and feeding of agricultural animals, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "I. T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University".