Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2017, № 64

Burkovskiy P.V.,

Prerequisites for development and integration agro-industrial advantage of agricultural production of the region (on evidence Krasnodar region) (P. 7-13)

Doroshenko T.N., Bardin A.K.,

System representation of agroecological objects on the example of the orchard model (P. 13-17)

Zamotajlova D.A., Kurnosova N.S., Reznikov V.V.,

Methodological approaches to estimation of management organizations’ efficiency of activity in housing and communal sphere (P. 18-23)

Zinisha O.S., Kalyonov I.I., Kondranina M.A.,

Structural crisis of 2016: continuating recession of global financial crisis of 2008 or potentially new phenomenon? (P. 24-30)

Litvinenko G.N., Tereshchenko Y.A.,

Comprehensive analysis of production and processing high-oleic sunflower (P. 31-36)

Paramonov P.F., Ivanitskiy D.K., Stukova J.E.,

Agricultural households: trends and problems of development (P. 36-42)

Antonenko D.A., Melnik O.A., Nikiforenko Y.Y.,

Influence of organic-mineral fertilizers on properties of chernozem leached and composition of soil mesofauna (P. 43-51)

Antsupova T.E., Kasyanova M.A.,

Biological substantiation of crop protection sugar beet from lepidopteran pests in the Central area of Krasnodar region (P. 52-58)

Balkov I.Y., Logvinov V.A., Evseeva A.N., Moiseyev V.V., Mishchenko V.N., Logvinov A.V., Shuvalov A.A., Railean R.N.,

Some features of elaboration of the tolerant to glyphosate forms of sugar beet (P. 58-65)

Bedlovskaya I.V., Altoblani M.A.D.,

Ecological and trophic features and harmfulness of diseases of cucumbers in greenhouses (P. 66-70)

Doroshenko T.N., Ryazanova L.G., Al-Husseini A.M.A., Maksimtcov D.V., Nenyko N.I., Belous O.G.,

Prospects physiologically active substances for the formation of yield citrus fruit (P. 71-76)

Kildyushkin V.M., Soldatenko A.G., Kitaygora T.S., Onischenko L.M., Boyko A.P.,

The effect of different tillage systems, fertilizers and green manure crops on soil fertility and yields of field crops in short crop rotation (P. 77-82)

Kolmykova O.Y.,

Comparative analysis of the influence of nanopowders of iron, cobalt and copper on the development of cucumber plants in the open ground south of the Nonchernozem zone (P. 82-88)

Kravtsov A.M., Zagorulko A.V., Vasilko V.P., Kravtsova N.N.,

The role of soil fertility and agrochemical resources in winter wheat productivity formation (P. 88-97)

Provorchenko A.V., Kravchenko A.N., Tatarin M.V.,

Accumulation of red currant 90Sr depending on depth of its location in the soil (P. 98-103)

Krasnoperova E.A., Yuldashbaev Y.A.,

Ecologo-economic and other values of Agro-Industrial Complex (AIC) technologies (P. 104-109)

Pikushova E.A., Kravtsova M.S.,

Qualitative and quantitative characteristics of micromycetes successes in the tomato risosphere after different predecessors on leached Chernozeme (P. 110-115)

Popov I.B., Poplevina V.A., Belyi A.I.,

Dwarf carpenter bee features (Xylocopa iris Christ.) on the Taman peninsula (P. 116-119)

Salfetnikov A.A., Neshchadim N.N., Zagorulko A.V., Kravtsov A.M.,

The role of sainfoin in soil fertility increase (P. 120-127)

Sotnik A.I., Popov A.I.,

Some elements of growing technology for seedlings with formed crown in the Crimea (P. 128-132)

Strelnikov V.V., Kravchenko A.N., Provorchenko A.V.,

90 Sr accumulation in black currant depending on depth of its location in soil (P. 133-138)

Teuchezh A.A., Nikiforenko Y.Y.,

Phosphorus content in different crops (P. 139-147)

Titarenko A.Y.,

Contribution to the knowledge of Caribbean species of the longicorn beetles genus Callipogon Audient-Serville, 1832 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) (P. 147-157)

Sheudzhen A.K., Bondareva T.N., Hurum H.D., Lebedovsky I.A., Osipov M.A., Esipenko S.V.,

The molybdenum content and forms of compounds in the leached chernozem of the western ciscaucasia under conditions of agricultural soil genesis (P. 157-162)

Koshchayev A.G., Lysenko Y.A., Mishchenko V.A., Radchenko V.V.,

Toxico-pharmacological characteristics of a new liquid probiotic аdditive (P. 163-169)

Koryakina L.P., Makarov M.V., Maksimov V.I.,

Dynamics of adaptive processes highly cattle imported beef in Yakutia (P. 169-178)

Lyashenko N.V., Jarmoc A.V., Galicheva M.S., Ratoshny A.N.,

Efficiency of glauconitic sandstone deposits of Abadzekh field in the diet of dairy cows with the aim of osteodystrophy prevention (P. 178-181)

Onoprienko N.A., Onoprienko V.V.,

Milk productivity of simmental cows depending on the dry matter consumption (P. 182-187)

Tkacheva I.V., Tishchenko N.N.,

Probiotic as an immunomodulator (P. 188-191)

Chernykh O.Y., Mischenko A.V., Mischenko V.A., Shevkoplyas V.N., Lysenko A.A.,

Ecological features of 3 genotype cattle viral diarrhea causative agent (P. 192-198)

Efendiev B.S., Vorokov V.H.,

Ggrowth promoters in cattle fattening (P. 198-202)

Babaev N.S., Molotkov G.S., Shvec M.S.,

Determination of the causes of uneven foundation settlement of buildings by typical cracks in deformed walls (P. 203-214)

Griguletsky V.G.,

New method of approximate solution of nonlinear algebraic and transcendental equations (P. 215-220)

Degtyareva O.G., Dac'o D.A., Degtyarev G.V., Gumbarov A.D.,

Design in cae system of low-head weir tiled foundation sinking (P. 221-226)

Dul'din M.V., Elistratov V.V.,

Wind-energy resources estimation under conditions of limited natural and climatic information (P. 227-233)

Ilchenko Y.A., Buzulukin A.V., Miroshnikov A.V.,

Prospects of introduction of electricity control and accounting automated systems in agrarian and industrial complex of the Krasnodar Territory (P. 234-240)

Molotkov G.S., Burbin O.S., Fedjaev O.N.,

Optimization of the project design of the reconstructed building roof installation on the basis of the building constructions bearing capability assessment (P. 241-247)

Rudchenko I.I., Enina A.I., Boyarina A.V.,

Methods of reducing injuries at construction sites of agrian and industrial complex (P. 248-257)

Tabachuk I.I., Serga G.V.,

Improvement of working organs forms of devices for finishing and cleanup and strengthening of details of agricultural mechanical engineering machines (P. 258-264)