Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 63

UDC: 575.1 632.4: 634.8.09
GSNTI: 34.23.57

On the grapevine resistance genetics to downy mildew pathogen

One of the most damaging disease of grapes culture is mildew caused by Plasmopara viticola. In the conditions of Krasnodar Territory epiphytotic development of this fungal disease is observed 3-5 times within 10 years, causing considerable damage to the grapes harvest and its quality. Cultivation of resistant varieties is the most effective element in controlling the spread of the disease. European V. vinifera grapevines genotypes are unstable to mildew, sources of resistance are mainly the North American species and V. amurensis, thus the breeding of resistant varieties is based on interspecific hybridization. The strategy of new resistant varieties creation is based on the searching for donors, clarifying resistance mechanisms and optimization the selection process. Modern methods of genetics and molecular biology significantly extend the possibilities of the research in this direction. DNA marking techniques are used both to identify resistance loci (QTL) and in breeding works for combining multiple resistance genes into one genotype. To date, more than fifteen major and minor QTLs of resistance to P. viticola are identified and mapped in grapevine genome. The number of DNA markers linked to resistance loci is identified. Developments of scientists in this area of the world's scientific centers can be used to study the accumulated national gene pool of grapevines, which will enhance the knowledge of the genetic diversity of the gene pool, identify resistance donors, improve the selection process.
Keywords: Grapevines, resistance to downy mildew, resistance genes
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-63-64-70


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  1. Ilnitskaya Elena Tarasovna, PhD in biology, head of the laboratory of grapes variety study and breeding, North-Caucasian Zonal Research Institute of Horticulture and Viticulture.
  2. Makarkina Marina Viktorovna, junior researcher, North-Caucasian Zonal Research Institute of Horticulture and Viticulture.