Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 63

UDC: 608.3
GSNTI: 85.31.31, 68.41.31

Air disinfection unit for enclosed rooms «Ventilated air recirculator»

This paper describes different ways and devices intended to clean air from bacterial contamination in the various types of rooms. This problem acquires special importance during animal disease control activities. Among the studied ways and devices used for disinfection of air in the closed premises, a new device - Ventilated air recirculator - has been offered, and a patent for an invention № 2600792 dd. 4.10.2016 was received. The invention belongs to the sphere of sanitation and electric engineering, and is intended for disinfection of air in various types of rooms. The technical result got with the ventilated air recirculator comes down to the environmental safety, high efficiency, active bactericide and hydraulic treatment of recirculated air in the closed premises with uncontrolled air flow infected with pathogenic and opportunistic pathogenic microflora. The technical result is achieved with the ventilated air recirculator consisting of an air filter connected with an air inlet, a fan, and a box with UV lights; and in addition the ventilated air recirculator is equipped with air moisture sensor, water pump, hydraulic chamber that has a hydraulic manifold with a return tube, some spraying nozzles built in the hydraulic chamber case, a drainage chute with the inlet connected with the hydraulic chamber case and located under the spraying nozzles and with the outlet connected with the water filter inlet, while the water filter outlet is connected with the water pump inlet, and the water pump outlet is connected with the return tube that in its turn is connected with the hydraulic collector.
Keywords: Patent search, development, device, recirculator, ultraviolet radiation, air moistening, microorganisms, pathogenic microflora, enclosed rooms
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-63-177-183


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  1. Morozov Vitaly Yurievich, PhD in veterinary medicine, associate professor; Department of microbiology and epizootiology, Stavropol State Agricultural University.
  2. Kolesnikov Roman Olegovich, postgraduate Student; Department of microbiology and epizootiology, Stavropol State Agricultural University.
  3. Chernikov Alexei Nikolaevich, graduate student; Department of microbiology and epizootiology, Stavropol State Agricultural University.
  4. Dorozhkin Vasily Ivanovich, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, director, All-Russian Research Institute of Veterinary Sanitation, Hygiene and Ecology.
  5. Prokopenko Alexander Aksentyevich, professor, head of the laboratory for the study of aerosols, All-Russian Research Institute of Veterinary Sanitation, Hygiene and Ecology.