Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 61

UDC: 632. 93:634.11 (470/620)
GSNTI: 68.37.13

Bioecological basis for apple protection against scab in the conditions of JSC "Sad-Gigant"

This article is devoted to optimization of the phytosanitary situation in agrocenosis of Apple trees in the Central zone of the Krasnodar Territory with the help of the population status and timing of damaging stages of pests forecast, as well as scientifically based, rational selection of varieties, appropriate and prompt application of fungicides. The most harmful disease of fungal etiology on Apple is scab - anamorphic (conidial) stage, develops in the living tissues of the leaves of growing trees. It is established that the anamorphic stage lasts from the onset of the first leaves infection and till the end of the vegetation period, the duration of which depends on prevailing weather conditions. In addition, in the climatic conditions of the Krasnodar Territory only ascospore stage winters being the source of primary infection. The scab development intensity and spread was highly influenced by weather conditions.
Keywords: grape, Braeburn Gala variety, Renet variety, Semirenko, the Krasnodar Territory, central area, scab, ascospore stage, anamorphic stage, asexual stage, fungicides of translaminar action, fungicides of contact action, systemic fungicides, spread of the disease, biological efficiency, economic efficiency, weather conditions, the beginning of the dispersion of spores
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-61-74-79


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  1. Bedlovskaya Irina Vladimirovna, PhD in biology., associate professor, I.T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University.
  2. Kudaewa Ekaterina Aleksandrowna, graduate student, I.T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University.