Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 61

UDC: 631.8.633.853.52
GSNTI: 61.49.37/68.35.37

Soybeen seeds yielding capacity and quality depending on Melafen drug use in the technology its cultivation

In recent years, the growth regulators become one of the technology elements of agricultural crops cultivation. They are used to regulate the growth processes, productivity, improvement of agricultural products quality and its preservation. The purpose of the study was to investigate the effects of the Melafen drug on the formation of yield structure elements, yielding capacity and seeds quality of Vilana soybean variety. Before sowing the seeds were treated with the drug of Melafen (1•10-7% solution) separately or together with the inoculum Risotorphine (1/2 and full dose) followed by treatment of plants with the drug Melafen (1•10-9% solution). Studies have shown that the greatest number of beans (58,7, in control - 35,5 PCs) and seeds per plant (73,0 and 111,9 PCs respectively) were formed in the variant with seed treatment with a mixture of drugs (Risotorphine - 1/2 dose and the Melafen - 1•10-7% solution) followed by treatment of plants with the Melafen drug the at a concentration of 1•10-9% in the phase of branching. In the specified embodiment, the weight of plant seeds was the highest and amounted to 14,95 g (in control - 8,69 g), which contributed to a significant increase in the yielding capacity (24,5 CWT/ha, in control - 21,1 CWT/ha). The yield increase was 16,1%. Along with this, in the seeds of the experimental variants the oil content increased by 0,4-3,4%, and oil yield per hectare - by 10,6-34,3%. The maximum oil yield per hectare (5,56 CWT/ha in control to 4,14 CWT/ha) was recorded in the variant with seed treatment with a mixture of Rizotorfina (1/2 dose) and Melafen (1·10-7 % solution) and subsequent treatment of plant with the Melafen drug (1·10-9% solution). Working solution consumption - 10 l/t of seeds and 200 l/ha of plants.
Keywords: Soybean, growth regulators, yielding capacity, oil content, oil yield
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-61-70-74


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  1. Barchukova Alla Yacovlevna, PhD in agriculture, associate professor, I.T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University.
  2. Turichenco Alecsandr Nicolaevich, Graduate student, I.T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University.