Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 61

UDC: 338.012
GSNTI: 06.71.07

Improvement of regional budget supporting of agriculture (the Krasnodar Territory taken as an example

In period of macroeconomic processes economic instability agriculture faces a number of challenges in sustainable supply of agricultural products to maintain balanced domestic consumption and export flows. The largest imbalance in reproductive performance is noted in small farms, which is conditioned by sales profitability lowering, vegetables and forage crops production reduction, land market immaturity. The imperfection of the land market creates a problem of its efficient use as the vast majority of land users in the territory are not owners but rent the land. In this article the author has systematized the problems in the sphere of state support of agriculture and proposes a number of measures on improvement of organizational and institutional component of state regulation. Financial, consulting and staff support is substantiated which should ensure the development of integration processes and to contribute to the development of agro-industrial horizontal integration. Financial-credit, information-consulting and staffing support is substantiated to ensure the development of integration processes and to contribute to the development of horizontal agribusiness integration. Emphasis is made on the fact that the development of agriculture is associated with a significant change in the consolidation of economic relations in Agrarian and Industrial Complex. There are a number of structural imbalances in crop and livestock production, caused by the imperfection of government support in the form of budgetary subsidies of agricultural producers. The author offers recommendations for its improvement based on differentiated subsidies, comprehensive assessment and monitoring of land use effectiveness as well as supporting forms of agro-industrial integration.
Keywords: Institutional farming framework for management, agrarian and industrial integration, government support, agriculture
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-61-20-26


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  1. Burkovskiy Piotr Vasilyevich, PhD in economics, sr. instructor of the economic theory department, I.T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University.